Tribute to Kari Wolf

by Xhynrae · 61 posts
5 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 5 years ago
thank you
:( yeah i have her account now i login every once in a while to keep it alive :( she would have liked a tim fam members gathering maybe we can still make that happen in her name sometime :(
Posted 5 years ago
No one is ever really gone, I didnt know her but seeing the way others speak of her means she left an inpact in others lives. energy cant be destroyed, it can only change, her conscientiousness lives on in a different form,
Posted 5 years ago
Adryan wrote:
@switchamber yes she had a huge impact on me and others thank you for your support
if u want gathering ill make a room for us.. for memorial of kari like i say if this wat u want bro i got you men i feel like shit right now cause i dont like seeing how much it impact mafia even my self v.v im still in creating more or ill go i know how u feel.

-- Fri Mar 01, 2019 2:40 pm --

Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:
I'm no good at this condolences stuff, but please bear with me. I'll try not to make it that bad. It has always been my personal belief that we always carry on the best parts of our acquiescence's inside of us. Those we love and spend time with, the best parts of them tend to rub off on us. We make them apart of ourselves. Kari Wolf was often seen on our forums helping people with their problems, protecting users by policing the market and forums, showing her support towards everyone and family endeavors with sort of a bubbly mafia cheerleader "Rah Rah we can do it, YAY YAY GO GET THEM -giggles-" vibe, loving her husband Adryan, and of course ... bragging about her cooking. Hopefully some of those memories will live on in our community in the form of actions, as we continue on, bits of Kari Wolf will show themselves and continue on with us. Except, except for bragging about our cooking ... I don't think any of us can cook as well as Kari Wolf.Kari Wolf liked the following quote by Laura Loukaides:Find that magical place in your world ... and live there.I am honored that she and her wolf spirit guide found us ... and decided to live here with us.Now, I would like to take this time, to allow the memories of Kari Wolf to speak for themselves. Here are some of the most memorable and soul touching moments that Kari Wolf gave to our community. Thank you Kari Wolf.Introduction
Kari Wolf wrote:Hello and welcome to our home! I hope you enjoy your stay with us and I look forward to reading your posts.What size of butts do you like?
Kari Wolf wrote:As for guys, I like a small to medium or a little larger. Something nice to grab a hold of and fondle.But all in all, it is not the size of the butt that counts, it is how you feel and care about the person!Down for a SUMMER BEACH PARTY?
Kari Wolf wrote:Yeah, would be so much fun!! whoopee
I will drag Adryan along, fighting and screaming! LOL Pick-up Lines
Kari Wolf wrote:I don't pick up guys, they pick me up, except for my hubby Adryan....He says I stole him and his heart -giggles- and I am so happy I did!!!What is the story behind your username?
Christian wrote:lost my brother chris so everything i do, i do it in remembrance of him... Kari Wolf wrote:Aww so good of you to remember your brother like that...that is awesome hun and I am sorry for your loss.Not many people would do that and it shows you are a very caring loving soul. Name 3 ways how IMVU contributes to one's development to a higher being.
Kari Wolf wrote:1) IMVU showed me how to love
2) IMVU showed me how to HATE
3) IMVU showed me how to forgive and FORGET and how to live again
4) IMVU showed me how to LOVE again and I found the man of my dreams and my heart who showed me what TRUE love really is...Love you Adryan, my best friend, my hubby, kisses babyWhen I was young and stupid...
Kari Wolf wrote:When I was young I thought alligators and snakes were under my bed! So I rarely got out of it in the night time and if I had to, I would jump out and run. When I was young and stupid my dad went hunting and brought back rabbits for us for dinner. I sat there and cried and refused to eat them even with a threat of a spanking. I told him the rabbits were Peter Cottontail and Molly's relatives and continued to cry. Peter and Molly were a pair of rabbits I had in Guam, but now we we're back in Tennessee. Never did eat them lol. When I was young and stupid, I use to fly down hills on my bicycle with no hands on the grips. (no way would I do that now, I would fall off for sure). When I was young and stupid I tried to dissect a frog with a dull pocket knife. When I was young and stupid I believed that the moon was made of swiss cheese, that is what my daddy told me. When I was young and stupid I believed in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Elves, Rudolph and the magic Reindeer, the Easter Bunny, practically all the childhood fantasies. Was so depressed when found out, later on, they all were just fantasies. When I was young..............oh shoot I forgot be continued..What don't you miss about being young?
Kari Wolf wrote:All my restrictions and curfews, my parents were VERY STRICT and usually made my life miserable. I was an academic in school and even worked odd jobs since I was thirteen for my own spending money. Took care of my siblings, took care of the pets and waited on my dad when my mom was at work, etc. Didn't matter, they still ruled with an iron hand.I was the oldest so they expected me to do the chores. I was so happy when I left home after graduation. The only thing I missed was my 3yr old youngest brother I took care of since he was born.Your Nicknames
Kari Wolf wrote:Sweetheart
Horror Girl
Rhondanotweird, but there they areProtection Referrals - How to Request Help / Protection
Kari Wolf wrote:I am glad the Mafia leaders helps/protects us when we have problems with IMVU or someone there. No one else does. It's great and stress relieving to have someone to turn to for help or advice when we have problems there. Thank you Mafia Leaders!!Corrupt-A-Wish
thessa wrote:I wish I could fly Kari Wolf wrote:Granted...but you might get ran into by an airplane and break your wings and throw feathers everywhere!Something you should do at least once?
Kari Wolf wrote:Visit the East and Middle East and Asia on a long needed vacation.Things you wish you heard more often
Kari Wolf wrote:I need you, I desire you, I want you to be mine, I will honestly and truly love you forever. I love you more than life itself.You make me complete.I am lost without you.You are my treasure.I will always be by your side loving you through infinity and taking care of you. Look deep into my eyes and see my complete and total love for you.You are as beautiful on the inside as on the outside.Your eyes are so beautiful. You have a heart of gold. I can never resist you.You are my heart and soul, my soulmate. I love only you forever and ever. I will take care of you in sickness and health always.3 Word Story
Kari Wolf wrote:it isn't the end unless someone types THE END

also her judgement was pure also piece of memory how she treated us

Kari Wolf wrote:
You can always tell where a beautiful soul has been by the tears and the smiles left behind.

Remember the smiles...Cherish the moments...Find comfort in memories...

Thinking of you as you mourn the loss of someone so special. Hoping with time, a gentle peace will return to your

Posted 5 years ago
Adryan wrote:
thank you @GREY yeah i have her account now i login every once in a while to keep it alive she would have liked a tim fam members gathering maybe we can still make that happen in her name sometime

would be great man if we can realized it :)
Posted 5 years ago
im sorry for ur loss hun
everything will be ok :)
Posted 5 years ago
REST IN PEACE she was probley the nice soul to grace us best of all te yall that new her heads up high yall gonna be alri swear
Posted 5 years ago
I am so sorry for your loss

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