GIMP TUTORIAL: Leather Texture

by Esbeth · 4 posts
6 years ago in GIMP
Posted 6 years ago · Author
1. Open up Gimp

2. File – New

3. This is tutorial for 512 x 512 canvas size.

4. Toolbox – Grab bucket fill tool and change Foreground to 6f3b2c color.

5. Fill canvas with this reddish brown color

6. In the Layers Dialog Box rename layer to “Leather” To rename layer double click on the words next to layer and start typing as soon it highlights, once done typing hit enter key.

7. In the Layers Dialog Box layer “Leather” selected, above canvas window – Layers – Transparency - Add Alpha Channel. To select layer in the Layers Dialog Box left click it ones.

To check if Alpha Channel been added to your canvas, go back to Layers – Transparency – Add Alpha Chanel should be grayed out.

8. Good time to save your work. File – Save As. Gimp by default will save file as .xcf which supports layers. That's what we need! To save image in different file format go to File – Export. Pop up window will offer all sorts of extensions.

9. Create New layer.

Layer – New – Pop up – Transparency Checked.
By default Gimp will name newly created window - “Layer”. We can leave it a that..

10.Layers Dialog Box – layer “Layer” selected – Filters – Render – Clouds – Plasma.

Pop up – Random seed – 0
Randomize – Unchecked
Turbulence – 3.0

Some wild colors!!!! We are going to desaturate them to get shades of gray.

11. Layers Dialog Box – layer “Layer” selected.

Colors – Desaturate.
Pop up – Average – Checked.

12. Layers Dialog Box – layer “Layer” selected

Filters – Map – Make Seamless.

Shades of gray should shift around on the canvas making it tileable.

13. Layers Dialog Box layer “Layer” selected, up on top Mode selector – From drop down choose Overlay.

14. Layers Dialog Box layer “Layer” selected right click on it – drop down – Merge Down onto layer “Leather”

We should be left with only one layer now. Save your work!

Step 2

1. Create New Layer

Layer – New – Pop up – Transparency – Checked.
Layers Dialog Box – Rename newly created layer to “LeatherBumps”

2. And now lot's of manual work for you to do!. Start painting little circles on the canvas! Nope :) just kidding. I prepared texture, Here is a texture that we are going to use for the Leather as bump map. Simply right click on it and choose Save Image As to your hard drive.


3. After you saved image, in gimp File – Open.

Find Leather Bumps image on your computer and open.
With Leather Bumps image opened hit Ctrl + A to select all, followed by Ctrl + C to copy image.

4. Click on your Leather canvas (the brown one).

Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps” selected, bring mouse cursor over to the canvas and past image Ctrl + V.
In the Layers Dialog Box you also will see new layer “Floating Selection” We need to anchor it to layer “LeatherBumps” To do so, go to Layers – Anchor layer or Ctrl + H is a short cut.

5. If all went successful you can close the Leather Bumps image at this point.


Step 3

1. Layers Dialog Box – layer “Leather” selected

Filters – Map – Bump Map.
Pop up – Bump Map – layer “Leather”
Map type – Linear
Compensate for darkening – Checked
Invert bumpmap – Checked
Tile bumpmap – Checked
Azimuth - 135.00
Elevation – 45.00
Depth – 5
Rest at 0's

2. Layers Dialog Box - “LeatherBumps” layer selected – right click – drop down – Duplicate layer.

By default Gimp will call duplicated layer “LeatherBumps copy” so we let it be just that.

3. Let's hide layer “LeatherBumps” for now. To do that click on the eye icon next to “LeatherBumps” layer.

4. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected

Colors – Threshold.
Pop Up – On the left number should stay 127 and on the right 217.

5. By now we should have black circles on the white canvas.

6. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected

Select – By Color
Click anywhere on the white on your canvas to make selection. We are going to delete white color.
Once selection been made animating dashed line, hit delete key on your keyboard.
Select – None.

7. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected

Filters – Distorts – Shift.
Pop Up – Shift Vertically – Checked.
Shift amount – 5

We are going to repeat the process only shift pixels Horizontally this time.

8. Layers Dialot Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected

Filters – Distorts – Shift.
Pop Up – Shift Horizontally – Checked.
Shift amount – 5

9. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected, set layer mode to Overlay.

10. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected, set layer Opacity to 40.

11. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected at the bottom of the box see up and down arrows. We need to bring layer “LeatherBumps copy” so it is on top of layer “Leather”.

12. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected right click – drop down – Merge Down – onto layer “Leather”

Yay! We should be left with only two layers at this point. “LeatherBumps” that is hidden and “Leather”

Step 4

1. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps” selected – right click – drop down – Duplicate.

By default Gimp will name newly duplicated layer “LeatherBumps copy” (again!) So we let be just that.

2. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected – unhide layer by clicking on the area where eye icon used to be.

3. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected – move that layer down so it is positioned above layer “Leather”

4. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected.

Filters – Blur – Gaussian Blur
Both Horizontal and Vertical blur type set to 10.0.
Blur method – RLE checked. Usually it is so by default.

5. Filters – Edge Detect – Edge.

Algorithm – Sobel.
Amount – 2
Smear – Checked.

6. Layers Dialog Box – layer “Leather” selected.

Filters – Map – Bump Map.
Pop up – Select layer “LeatherBumps copy”
Map Type – Linear.
Compensate for darkening – Checked.
Invert bumpmap – Unchecked
Tile bumpmap – Checked.
Azimuth – 135.00
Elevation – 20.00
Depth – 4

7. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected.

Colors – Invert.

8. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected – set layer Mode to Overlay and Opacity to 80.

9. Layers Dialog Box – layer “LeatherBumps copy” selected – right click – drop down – Merge Down – onto layer “Leather”

10. Layers Dialog Box – layer “Leather” selected

Filters – Map – Make Seamless.

There should be not much change to it. But it's a good practice to run it through Make Seamless filter if texture is intended to be used as tileable.

Done! However it's looking a little suede like. If you like it as is read no more. But we can give leather a bit of a shine and less suede looks.

Step 5

1. Layers Dialog Box – layer “Leather” selected – right click – Duplicate.

Let's rename it to “ShinyLeather”
You can hide layer “Leather” by clicking on the eye icon.

2. Layers Dialog Box – layer “ShinyLeather” selected – right click – Duplicate it again.

By default it will be named “ShinyLeather copy”, with it selected
Filters – Light and Shadow – Lightning effects.
Pop up – tab Bump Map – enable Bump Mapping – Checked.
Bump Map Image – drop down – Choose layer “ShinyLeather copy”
Curve – Linear
Maximum Height – 0.01
In the preview window you will see little blue dot .. by left click hold – drag it around so it's positioned somewhere in the middle of the preview window.

Now we shall have a huge light in the middle of the image. It's not tileable and way to shiny!

3. Layers Dialog Box – layer “ShinyLeather copy” selected

Filters – Map – Make Seamless.

4. Layers Dialog Box – layer “ShinyLeather copy” selected it should be stacked above “ShineyLeather”

5. Set “ShinyLeather copy” to Screen Mode and turn opacity to about 20 or less. Right click – drop down – Merge Down on top of “ShinyLeather”

This steps gave us a little shine to the texture. Setting opacity to more then 20 makes it look shinier but when it comes down tiling texture it looks pretty nasty over all. So best to keep that opacity perhaps even below 20.

Posted 5 years ago
this was helpful thanks :)
Posted 5 years ago
In GIMP can i use gifs?

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