Imvu recovery addict story

by Playboi_back · 7 posts
5 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 5 years ago · Author
My Story: Recovering from Imvu Addiction
This is a long story, but I will try to give the short version. I was in an rp imvu relationship (biker rp) for a few months with this guy. We kept it on imvu mostly but we did eventually exchange skype info. We never cammed, but we did voice chat a few times and I fell in love with him. We got married on imvu and even had a child there. And for me, thats a funny thing because I was always one of those people who thought marriage and kids was a silly thing to do on imvu (I was mostly there for djing until I met him). I didnt mean to, but I really did fall in love with him and he would tell me everyday all these sweet things and how much he loved me. Then one day on skype he was acting weird and finally confessed to me that he was lying to me. He said he really did not love me, he thought I'm a great girl and he cares about me but not love. He said he didnt want to hurt me so he just pretended to love me because he felt heartless to reject me. Smh.

To make a long story short, his best friend told me that he confessed to her that he's in love with her (told her this a few weeks before and she was just watching us feeling sorry for me knowing he wasnt really in love with me). So it went back and forth this way, him telling me that's not true that he doestn love her and her telling me different. I was really hurt because without knowing it I had given him my heart. So I decided to leave imvu. Of course everybody was trying to talk me out of it. I stayed away for 3 days and then one of my friends who kept nagging at me finally got me to come back. She said, dont do anymore rp, just dj and have fun with your friends and forget about him. So I 'divorced' him and tried to do what my friend said. After lots of tears and anger me and him finally had a talk which led to some 'rp sex' causing me to get my hopes up thinking that maybe he wanted to get back together. Instead, he avoided me for 2 days and then suddenly put 'seeing someone' on his profile with another girls name there. A girl I had never even seen before. She joined his rp and changed her last name to his. That was it for me, I just broke down. I put up a message telling everyone that I was going to quit and disable my account.

Of course everyone freaked out trying to talk me out of it. He suddenly came into one of my rooms begging me to stay. I was honest with him and told him I was in love with him and its too hard for me to see him everyday. He tried to convince me to give him my account and let him take care of it until I decide to come back but in the end I really did disable it. People were sending me messages everyday saying its not the same without me and then suddenly I got an email from imvu saying that I could get my account back if I click on this link. One of my close friends on imvu told me that her account got h4c|<7d and she couldn't see her boyfriend on there. So suddenly I got the idea to click the link and get my account back and give it to her. I had an alt account lying around somewhere and she convinced me to get on it and hang out with her one day to play music. Nobody else knew who I was so I was able to hide on it, but being on that account I cound not stop the urge to look at my ex's profile, which only set me back and brought back the anger and the hurt. So I came up with this idea to pretend I was seeing someone else to make him jealous. I got my account back from my friend (later she admitted that her account wasn't h4c|<7d, she just wanted to get me to come back) and I changed my profile putting that I was seeing someone. Of course everyone was happy I was back and I resumed djing with friends. But then 3 days back in the game, I just realized to myself that I didnt want to do this anymore. I didnt' want to pretend I was ok and live this fake life anymore. The truth is I had fallen in love with this guy who I would never have irl (he was from another country). He had made it clear to me that he didnt' love me; the one thing I knew was that he liked me a little and liked having rp sex, but he was so quick to get someone new...I was tired of being angry and paranoid and hopeful and sad all wrapped in one. I decided to focus on rl and find someone irl.
Posted 5 years ago
A lot who are on IMVU I've seen way to much on IMVU after being there for 11 years now, It always a cheating on one another, and only rp, and I understand what u are saying I was with this guy on and off so many times and I always cotaught him cheating on me, he always used the excuse IDK why I do this, and the classic I'll change this, he even went to the point to make me feel like shit saying I'll kill myself, I was off of IMVU for 3 years until last year I started again and honestly I just find there is just to many mind games going, don't get me wrong my friends are more then loving and caring but at least unlike most of them they talk of there real life's makes me feel more real when people are willing to be real of them self's, but it is really best to only have friends IMVU no one will ever want a real relationship that's why I had left IMVU for 3 years thinking before that I'll be able to find someone who really wants a real relationship, but yea on IMVU to have a real relationship in real life would never happened, HUGSSSS u deserver it
Posted 5 years ago


Sounds like you've gone through a very rough situation. I know that falling for someone and realizing they're just toying with you can leave you emotionally ravaged.
There's likely going to be a lingering of hurt, and even worse, you'll still have feelings for that person for quite some time. When you truly care for someone, it doesn't magically disappear just because you realize that they're no good for you. You just have to be strong and believe that you deserve better.
IMVU is mostly drama. I find that there are two types of people there. Persons who truly seek a real connection and use IMVU as a social app and those who seek entertainment and use IMVU as a game. The second group just uses people for their entertainment. You're nothing more than a level tk be completed so they can move on to the next challenge.
You don't need to put up with that. Once you identify those people, move on and don't look back. It is very rare to find real connections on IMVU but they're there. I have met some very wonderful people. Be cautious and don't trust so easily. You'll be ok.
Posted 5 years ago
Your post was touching, I've been through very similar things through IMVU and online in general. It sucks, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. It's lovely that in the end, you valued yourself and chose to get yourself out of that situation. Pouring your whole self into someone, especially online, for them not to appreciate you is messed up.
I haven't fallen deeply in love with someone from IMVU specifically, but I've definitely been in your shoes. I fell in love with someone online, he made me feel amazing, I thought he was in love with me too. We agreed that we would enter a monogamous long distance relationship. On our one year anniversary, he told me that he was never in love with me. He didn't give me a reason for why he stayed with me, I'm assuming it was just for the companionship. It crushed me, for a very long time I struggled with trusting other people. I would be lying if I said it still doesn't get to me sometimes. No one deserves that. No one deserves what happened to you. Thank you for sharing your story.
Posted 4 years ago
Well done. You should always love yourself and value yourself. You have to make sure that you are taking care of yourself. It is so easy to get caught up in someone else's life but at the end of the day, you must live your own, be it on IMVU or in real life. IMVU is a welcome escape for many especially with the way things are with the world and all the social distancing, but it is important to not get lost in it. I sincerely hope that you receive true happiness within yourself without having to depend on anyone to find it. All the best to you.
Posted 4 years ago
that must have been hard for you. i didn't even realise that you could have an imvu addiction but this post has been really eye opening for me and i'm sure it has been for others. i've had a few rp experiences but i try not to commit to anyone because of the experiences people close to me have had. one of my friends got "married" on imvu and would facetime his wife nearly everyday but one day she ghosted him and that really took a toll on his mental health. he then decided to leave imvu altogether and now he is like a different guy. it goes to show that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how dark the tunnel may be and i hope you (and anyone who reads this) knows that there is always hope that things will get better. just wanted to share this experience with you all (also the friend in question gave me consent to share this story :) ) ok bye lol

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