How is someone seeing who I add and how do I stop them?

by Xmartian73 · 12 posts
5 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 5 years ago · Author
First, my apologies if this has already been covered, my search results did not uncover anything regarding this topic. I have a “friend“ who seems to know every time I add someone and tells me who they are by name… How is this possible and how can I prevent it or stop it from happening?? Any help is much appreciated!
Posted 5 years ago

One way to tell that is looking at who the person is following on IMVU Next. When you add someone, you automatically follow said person over there and it is displayed for all to see. That might be what he is doing.
Posted 5 years ago · Author

Hmm...where is that displayed? Is it something I can disable?
Posted 5 years ago

Unfortunately there don't seem to be any settings for this. At least none that I could find digging around the IMVU Next site. The only thing I can suggest is to immediately unfollow the person after friending them. You can do the here:
Posted 5 years ago · Author

Got it! That has to be the way because it shows them in order. Thanks for the help friends!
Posted 5 years ago

You could start following / unfollowing 20 random people per day. That way the person is looking at mostly garbage data that they have to waste time sorting through.

Sometimes, if you can't protect your data ... making it unreadable is the next best solution. The person will probably give up after that.
Posted 5 years ago

Let us know if it worked. :)
Posted 5 years ago
Ubiytsa wrote:
@Xmartian73Let us know if it worked.


It might work if his "Friend" is not a complete stalker, going through the profiles of all the new people in the OP's following/follower list.
Analising recent likes/comments on pictures to discern who is a friend or who isn't.

On the other spectrum(not wanting to hijack the subject to my direction), I had that happening to me a couple of weeks back, to be accused I'm adding people on my friendlist even though all that happened was mutual following on imvu next.
Posted 5 years ago

You're right, but then
can always say that person just followed him and so on.
Posted 5 years ago
no offense but this friend of yours seem a bit too nosy. have you ever tried talking to them and asking them to respect your privacy? i mean i dont think its so hard to ask for this little and have them respect your privacy. and if your this "friend" of yours still keep getting their nose into your business then i consider doing the next step and.... actually there's no next step. sorry my dude you are out of luck. people will always see who you are following but they can't see your friends lists. but as the person below me stated. you can also go into your settings and make your name unsearchable. that way when you unfriend the person they wont be able to find you (unless they have an old message of yours or they also know someone who knows you). actually now that i think about it.... even if you unfriend this person or block them, you will still be on this person followers lists. no matter how i see this from an angle you cant stop them from stalking who you add. my only method is going back to square one and that is trying to talk to this friend of yours and talk to them about your concerns and that what they are doing, you do not like ig or that it makes you uncomfortable and hopefully they understand. sorry im not much help but this is my only advice. goodluck!!
Last edited by zyn on Fri Nov 22, 2019 5:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

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