buy hidden products

ramon  ALFA
by ramon ALFA · 15 posts
4 years ago in Catalog And Product Showcase
Posted 4 years ago · Author
hello, my question is if there is any way to buy a product that is hidden, for example from an account disable and your product comes out in red since the owner put it only for use thanks
Posted 4 years ago
As far as I know a hidden product can be gifted by the creator of the product.

There is the possibility that any user who owns a hidden product can also gift it, but I'm not sure. I've never tried it.
Posted 4 years ago
Yes, we would like to know the different methods of this type of product
Posted 4 years ago
i believe it could be gifted by the creator as the first reply had said.
Posted 4 years ago
Hidden products as I saw can only be found if you have link or if you the creator gift it and also who have the product can gift it too but there's a way but it's about luck if the person that you want the product from is in the same room you are in and he didn't put his view products hidden you can take a picture in the room and post it and then you go to your profile and look on view products and you will 80% find it this worked for me a lot triggers and so much hidden products I've got from this trick :)
Posted 1 year ago
I don't think hidden products can be bought, because only creators can gift them and even if u have those products in your inventory you cannot gift them. Whenever u will try to gift it will show error. And basically even if we use view products hidden products don't show in the catalog so no option to buy.
Posted 1 year ago
hidden products can not be bought only way to obtain a hidden product is by the creator gifting it to you. If a product is hidden it means not in the shop which means not buyable, so therefore people with hidden products cannot gift them only the creator.
Posted 10 months ago
can anyone list those sexual products . some are really good but maybe the owners are deleted or whatever and those are products are really hidden or hard to find. Some bed with a long good pose. IF anyone knows such, please let us know those product names or links
Posted 10 months ago

I know some public rooms that are on the black market, I will leave here the name of two and the names of their respective owners, if you want to have fun in public, just type the name of the owner where you search and you will find it;

Room name: FalaSeriooo >>> Owner: xSe7venx

Room name: A Spot? >>> Owner: Horrorz
Posted 10 months ago
thank you for the post.

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