Hidden product clone tool

by ElAlphard · 8 posts
4 years ago in Help & Support
Posted 4 years ago · Author
I'm wondering if there's any tool to automatically search for a hidden product clone/match on shop, or either if that's something possible to program.
Posted 4 years ago

Yes, yes it is possible. I have a tool that I use for doing exactly that; I use it for tracking down the original creators of sex products ... (for cases in which I have a clone and I want to find the original), but using the tool to do the opposite (have an original and looking for clones) would be easy. The tool is slow, takes days to run to find a single product ... and often gives a few dozen false positives before it finds a real match. The tool was never perfected beyond acceptably working for my purposes.

Why would you want such a tool though?
Posted 4 years ago
hello .. For your information, I used this program and can only detect the normal products .. not for sex products . dont know if some body can use it for all products >
Posted 4 years ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Well, it's pretty common - when using the hidden outfit viewer tool - to find products of your interest that are no longer available for sale.

I'd rather have a tool finding clones or matches than wasting time and going crazy trying to get them.


No program is showing in your reply.
Try again, mate.
Posted 4 years ago

Alright, so basically, what you want is a program that:

1) traverses the derive tree of a given PID
2) spits out the PID's of products in the derive tree, minus the root PID
3) turns those PID's into catalog search links, for products derived from those pid's
Posted 4 years ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

Indeed; although the PIDs would come from hidden & removed items.
Posted 4 years ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

To have an algorythm showing matches to the product you're looking for and got hidden, removed or even a ''DMCA'' strike...
I think it'd be a highly useful tool, to a level it'd be required by everyone.

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