unlimited file download (keep old products purchased)

by king_jay021 · 8 posts
4 years ago in Mafia Market
Posted 4 years ago · Author
This may go unnoticed but i wish we could get unlimited downloads to all products WE BOUGHT. I've bought many products over the years and have went through countless computers which resulted in me losing product files that I've purchased. i wish there was a way we could just download them again instead of having to repurchase them (since the link expires after 30 days). not complaining but it should be something to look into! especially since some people spend hundreds of dollars at a time.

-- Sun Mar 08, 2020 1:50 am --

i do realize they have incorporated this into the site, i'm speaking on behalf of older purchases before it was incorporated.
Posted 4 years ago

IMVU staff tend to update their security systems against sex products once every 3 - 4 months. Typically, we see a minor update to their security once every 3 - 4 months and a major update once every 2 - 5 years. When these minor updates to IMVU's security systems happen, our developers have to put in a lot of work updating our products and software to work safely and efficiently ... without breaking. When a major update happens, we sometimes have to overhaul the entire system. We tend to give out the minor updates for free, but when a major update comes out ... we are sadly forced to either enforce our 30 day limited warranty ... or bust. Using older outdated products is extremely dangerous, so leaving them up for download would put users at risk and is not an option. While we can afford to give out the minor updates for free at a manageable loss to our time and resources, we can not afford the time and resources it would take to give out major updates for free.

Currently, the last minor update was about a month ago, and the last major update was back in November 2016.

To receive the most recent programs, products, and instructions, we highly recommend supporting our developers by shopping our market: buysell/black_market_index.php

Be sure to check your medit balance on your mafia account. Remember that 500 medits are worth $1 in store credit when buying sex products on the market. You might have enough medits on your account to simply buy back a lost product that you are looking for.
Posted 4 years ago · Author
ahh I understand, thanks for educating me Don. I never knew about the medit thing as well, ill be sure to look into that as well!
Posted 4 years ago
Wassup bro

Yea I have been having some problems when trying to download some products recently. I didn’t know they updated their systems every 3-4 months doe. That gives you guys time to update you guys stick to try to get past all the security.
Posted 4 years ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

just to clarify can we buy any sex product from the store using our medits?
Posted 4 years ago
I usual dont say much however this situation actually hit home for me . Thankfully after my first Laptop died on me years ago with my whole life on it. I was made aware about the connecters and enclosures available for getting and continuing the use on your drive. I only use Laptops they have like 3 different types of usb type products that I know of to assist you with getting everything off that you need. Also is you choose the Casing 1 please no that once you have gotten and saved everything that you need from the your Laptops hard-drives are dont you can reformat the old hard drives and use them as external hard external hard.
the store I get mine from is called https://www.microcenter.com/ and the products I use are


I have a very cheap one and its great 8.99


they have them at may places even at wally world now is you use
a deskto you will have to contact some one else to give you that info

Take care
Posted 4 years ago
That was really helpful, thanks for sharing this. This community is the best

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