I started off with deriving from dress pants and polo shirts owned by IMVU inc. Quick and easy re-textures in GIMP. IMVU inc provides original textures for all of their products, so using their textures as a map made it extremely easy. Also, if the products you derive from are owned by IMVU inc, then you can set the prices really low. I made around 15 polo shirts and 5 pairs of dress pants during my first month; set the profit to 0 credits ... just to get my name out there and make sales. I made around 300 sales per product during my first 2 months of doing that ... flew up the first 2 tire levels pretty fast. That was back in 2008 though ... not sure how much has changed for a new dev just starting out. Back then, the goal was to get lots of cheap half way decent product out fast, preferably within a category of the catalog that was low on decent product options, but also in a category that is not too weird ... normal clothing items that you would expect most people to have in their closet at home.
Try to get a few friends / family members to buy and rate / review your products.