What are some of your fears?

Pampered Pancake
by Pampered Pancake · 58 posts
9 years ago in Social Games
Posted 7 years ago
Zigzagthedodo wrote:
Are we all just posting one thing? My fear is my pc breaking down on me and me not able to afford it T_T imagine one morning you turn the pc on or laptop and WHIZZZZZZZZZ you hear a fan go louder then a jet or a xbox 360 ^_^ LOL

I've had that same fear. My livelihood depends on my computer and I built it over 15 years ago and last upgraded it over 10 years ago..

I regularly clean it with a little air compressor I got for my birthday to keep the temps down. Though I'm sure the thermal compound could do with a replacement by now, lol.
Posted 6 years ago
A lot, Oceans, Fear of Height, fear of failure, fear of speeches, fear of too much attention, Fear of Spiders< Fear of any kind of bugs, Fear of death, Fear of God.
Posted 6 years ago
Posted 6 years ago
AznPuff wrote:
A bug crawling in my nose/ears and laying eggs.
Thats funny as hell AznPuff had to let you know thanks alot for gud laugh :dancingbannana:

-- Fri Sep 21, 2018 11:39 pm --

living alone for rest my life
Posted 6 years ago
I fear something that I can not see in the dark and all species of cockroach.
Posted 6 years ago
Sleep paralysis, death, grandiose thoughts, and balls.
Balls like small ones like m&m's pearls and what not. They scare me, they smell weird and I dont like the texture.
Posted 6 years ago
1 - To fail in love

2 - To suffer from terminal illness

3 - To produce unoriginal work

4 - To lose my mother

5 - To have no friends

6 - To live through war / conflict again

7 - To have a boring life

8 - To mess up hypothetical children

9 - To get old, and risk not being attractive

10 - To lose my physical strength
Posted 6 years ago
I am fear of donald trump sending all the people from USA to war .
Posted 4 years ago
i fear

to disappoint my family
and loneliness

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