What would you do if

by Hantarione · 58 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 7 years ago
I would try to see how much I can masturbate in 10 mins.. then go to a hot neighbors house and ask them to take my virginity... then go to my favorite place to eat with a stolen car and crash into the place saying "SURPRISE" Like the koolaid man.. then die

What would you do if you were born with 3 penis's and your ass hole was a vagina?
Posted 6 years ago
id definitely make a group haha :D

What would you do if you were born without vagina or penis ?
Posted 4 years ago
I would definitly just give pleasure by oral

what awould you do if you favorite waifu was laying next to you
Posted 4 years ago
Killlaqueen wrote:
I would definitly just give pleasure by oralwhat awould you do if you favorite waifuwas laying next to you


Break her legs and take pictures. I got a fucking anime girl to come out of the TV ... people have to see this shit.

What would you do if opening your eyes killed babies?
Posted 4 years ago
I would just close eyes and go back to sleep until they left
Posted 4 years ago
U didnt give another question, guess ill have to make one up
What would you do if you woke up and saw barack obama holding a gallon sized ziploc freezer bag of baked beans in one hand, and a vibrating spoon in the other?
Damn that was weird
Posted 4 years ago

Wouldn't be the first time that has happened to me ...

I'd ask him if he wants to "spoon".

What would you do if a man knocked on your front door at 10PM ... and asked you through the door if he could use the electrical outlet on your porch to charge his phone ... because his car broke down and his phone was dead?

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