Anakin or Rey?

by Deceased · 7 posts
4 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 4 years ago · Author
Who would win in a fight?
Posted 4 years ago · Author
@Don Von Alpha Dom

All canon material and it’s just in an open field

-- Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:02 pm --

Strength wise they’re both at the maximum which should be revenge of the sith anakin and rise of skywalker Rey
Posted 4 years ago

Probably Anakin then ... even at their strongest, Anakin has more years of experience under his belt. Specially if the force kicks in ... Anakin always seemed to get his arrogant ass saved by the force more often.

I think the overall factor though ... would be the ballance of good vs evil in the universe when the battle takes place. The force seems to like acting in favor of whichever side is weakest in the universe at the time.
Posted 4 years ago · Author
Yeah Anakin is definitely more powerful but I agree that it would depend on the will of the force
Posted 4 years ago
Sad to say, but I actually think Rey might win. Darth Sidious was supposed to have created Anakin. Rey is Sidious' natural descendant. I figure that if Sidious was powerful enough to create Anakin, and, if that power passed to his descendants, his descendants would have power enough to create an "Anakin." A confound to this theory is that the bloodline may be muddied by the parents from outside the Palpatines who parented Rey and perhaps Rey's parents with the direct descendants from Sidious. But, for that matter, Anakin had a mother, and she had to have muddied the waters a bit herself.
Posted 4 years ago
Anakin all day for me.

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