Posted 4 years ago
Posted 4 years ago
The situation is shitty, but I'm better off than most. On the positive side, my sources of income are secure. Sex product sales have gone up around 300% since the pandemic started. I made enough money to rent out an entire gym by the hour to work out in while the gyms were closed. Everyone is horny and wants digital sex products. In a world where all contact is digital ... the computer scientist is king. It has taught me that I am pretty fortunate compared to most people. Also, drive in theaters are still as fun as they were 3 decades ago, lol. On the negative side; I lost a great aunt last week to covid, 3 family members have lost jobs, several women in my family who are nurses are being worked to death, all gatherings with friends / family have been canceled ... including some pretty important weddings, and someone who is very close to me is facing possible homelessness.
Posted 4 years ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:@CornerThe situation is shitty, but I'm better off than most. On the positive side, my sources of income are secure. Sex product sales have gone up around 300% since the pandemic started. I made enough money to rent out an entire gym by the hour to work out in while the gyms were closed. Everyone is horny and wants digital sex products. In a world where all contact is digital ... the computer scientist is king. It has taught me that I am pretty fortunate compared to most people. Also, drive in theaters are still as fun as they were 3 decades ago, lol. On the negative side; I lost a great aunt last week to covid, 3 family members have lost jobs, several women in my family who are nurses are being worked to death, all gatherings with friends / family have been canceled ... including some pretty important weddings, and someone who is very close to me is facing possible homelessness.
@Don Von Alpha Dom
I agree my man great for sales whats better then having a good fuck during the quarantine?
Posted 4 years ago
Don Von Alpha Dom wrote:@CornerSex has not changed for me inside / outside of the quarantine. I still get sex whenever I want, however I want.
@Don Von Alpha Dom
Words of wisdom
1. There are people in your life who love and depend on you.
Who are the most important people in your life? Chances are, you’d do anything for these folks, right? If you’re looking for a reason to be happy, this is the place to start. No matter how bad life gets, there will always be someone who loves you unconditionally. Do you think your loved ones want to see you unhappy and miserable? Of course they don’t. So choose happiness for the people who love you. It will make your relationships much more enjoyable.
2. Life could change dramatically at a moment’s notice.
The thing about life is it’s completely unpredictable. Any of us could wake up tomorrow and lose our job, lose someone we love or realize we have a life-threatening disease. The point is, you never know. So don’t wait until tomorrow to be happy. Choose happiness today and enjoy every single moment you have.
3. Happy people are more productive.
Who do you think gets more accomplished in an average day? The person who is optimistic, happy, and driven or the person who spends his energy complaining, and venting about how his life isn’t fair? Happy people, in general, are more productive and are more likely to accomplish their goals than unhappy people.
4. The world needs more happy people.
It seems as if every week we hear about a new tragedy that makes us question the human spirit. Unfortunately, we live in a world where there will inevitably be war, famine, poverty, and destruction. But here’s the thing: good always trumps evil. The actions of one happy person can create a ripple effect that can literally change the world. So be the change you wish to create. Choose happiness.
5. You’re alive.
No matter how sick, tired, sad, or unhappy you are, there’s one thing you can still be grateful for and that’s the fact that you’re still here. People we love leave us unexpectedly on a regular basis. Think about what you would do if you knew this was your last day on earth? Would you spend it brooding and thinking about all the stuff you don’t have? Probably not. You’d make an effort to spend time with those you love most, to relax, laugh and live.
6. Happy people have better relationships.
In most surveys, married people are happier than unmarried people. That doesn’t mean you need to be married to attain happiness. What it means is that when you choose to be happy, you’re more likely to have better work relationships and better relationships with friends, family members, and other loved ones.
7. Happy people are healthier.
If you need another reason why you should be happy right now, here’s a good one: research shows a direct correlation between health and happiness. Happy people tend to take better care of themselves by exercising more and eating healthier than unhappy folks.
So don’t wait until tomorrow …choose happiness now!
Source: ... t-now.html
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