A reply would be nice since i only have 30 days to use the so- called help line. I await for reply.
The 30 day guarantee is not enforced unless something horrible happens (like a natural disaster). In most cases ... we do our best to support our products for years. You are not limited to just 30 days.
Is no one answering? I see other posts getting answered.
By our site rules, sellers have 48 hours to answer any question you send them via PM. If you question is about a purchased product, then it is always best to PM your question to a seller. The forums are community managed ... the seller is unlikely to see your question on the forums. Posting your question on the forums instead of PM-ing it to the seller is equivalent to dropping your question in the middle street in front of the store instead of taking your question directly to the customer support desk.
stuck at Step 8: Download the asset renamer it says virus de
Which anti-virus are you using? Here is the virus scan for the asset renamer:
https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0fb ... /detectionAs you can see from the scan, there are a few lesser quality anti-viruses that show a false positive during a scan (this is normal for any software), while most of the major well known anti-viruses give the software a clean bill of health. We will need to file a false positive report with whomever your anti-virus provider is.