Posted 3 years ago
it was a hot, muggy, overcast day. Shadow was waiting on the lawn when Sid shady came out of his house wearing a pear of shorts and a wrist watch. " There was a robbery in the town about two hours ago." said Shadow, "Apparently, the robber fits your description." Shady laughed as he laid back on the hood of his pickup truck. " This truck and I just returned from Pine Ridge about ten minutes ago. That is over 500 kilometers away in case you didn't know. You can call the cousin I was visiting and he'll verify my story." Shadow looked at his watch and said, " It's 4 p.m. now, what time did you leave Pine Ridge?" Shady glanced at his watch and said, " I guess it must have been about 7 a.m." "You're obviously lying," replied Shadow, Why?
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