Peeer Review faster

by SKT PORO · 18 posts
3 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 2 years ago
atauan wrote:
Recently I started approving quickly directly with the support, 10 items a day in live chat. everyone came approving except the support (Czar) if you fall in chat with him, cancel and try with someone else.


It don't matter who you chat with in support. They all link themselves together and agree on the same stuff and go by the same handbook so to speak. I know some support workers are crap but all the staff will back them up 100% so best try not to ever have to use them if all possible and try chat rooms and web forum to get answers 1st. Sad mv has gone to crap like it has with support.
Posted 2 years ago

Lmaoo!!!! I love how infamous the chat agent Czar is. Whenever I see his name pop up in the opening responses I back tf out lol
Posted 2 years ago
I always put a few black market items among the 10 and add a few common items and another one of BM. I have been doing this for a few days now and it has been working well. Nothing from the account drop.
Posted 2 years ago

Thats great to hear….maybe that works….are you hiding those BM after they pass? That idea is good for vip members…but non vip cannot do the chat….does a help ticket works too? Just curious….stay safe….thank you for sharing.
Posted 2 years ago

I made a fake store in one of my accounts, and I go up some black market rooms and in the middle of these rooms I put activators. among them I also put common clothes and sets.
I go to the live chat and say that I need to approve some items that have been requested, and they go and approve 10 items a day without any work.
Posted 2 years ago
seen video on u tube called tamper monkey not sure if it works

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