IMVU Log2Chat - Chat Recoverer [Updated 8/16/2024]

by DataMine · 137 posts
7 years ago in Mafia Tools
Posted 2 years ago
Hello, what about IMVU desktop App?
Posted 2 years ago

Try it and let us know….after you sign out of imvu…..just click the log 2 recoverer and you will see a folder made on your desk top…..this is very useful when you got log out for sone reason… see what reason you were log out unexpectedly…..stay safe everyone
Posted 2 years ago
Does this program allow me to read the whispers made by other users in chat?
If this is not suitable for use, can you recommend another useful program for the case?
Posted 2 years ago
i have a question, i followed the instructions, but i dont know where to find the chat logs or the "new text files" containing the messages...a lil help please...v.v im only doing this cause i forgot to save the chat like i normally do cause i was tired...
Posted 2 years ago
MoonShadows101x wrote:
i have a question, i followed the instructions, but i dont know where to find the chat logs or the "new text files" containing the messages...a lil help please...v.v im only doing this cause i forgot to save the chat like i normally do cause i was tired...


Your chat log automatically save on your desk top…..if you happen to have an old log….it will automatically over write it….so if for some reason you want to save a specific chat log…..make sure you rename it…like adding a date to it etc…..then it would generate another new chat log on your desktop. Hope this helps.
Posted 2 years ago
DataMine wrote:
IMVU Basic Log2 ChatThis program will scan your IMVU Logs and pull out chat messages from them. Useful if you forget to save a chat log or you crashed.This program can be used in 3 different ways:Method 1
1) Download the Basic Log2Chat program.2) Close IMVU3) Copy the exe to your IMVU folder located in Code C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\IMVU4) Double Click on the IMVU Basic Log2Chat.exe fileThe program will scan all of your log files and create new text files containing the chat messages in your IMVU Folder.Method 2
1) Download the Basic Log2Chat program.2) Copy the exe to your any folder containing IMVU log files3) Double Click on the IMVU Basic Log2Chat.exe fileThe program will scan all of your log files and create new text files containing the chat messages in your the same folder as the exe.Method 3
1) Download the Basic Log2Chat program.2) Copy the exe to your desktop3) Drag and drop an IMVU log file onto the IMVU Basic Log2Chat.exe fileThe program will scan all of your log files and create new text files containing the chat messages on your desktop.Warnings
This program is not perfect so I would not recommend using as a replacement to the "copy chat log" feature built into the client.



the excitement is minimal though as it's just the ancient pc to be able to run exe files to fix the good laptops hahaha

but a triumphant success as I logged in my first time on a pc lol
Posted 2 years ago
Hello is there a way to read private chats or room chats? And how does it work? Thank you

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