are creators able to see when u wishlist their products?

by sadEcatgirl · 28 posts
2 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 2 years ago
This is an old post, but I can't understand why any creator would be mad over anyone wish listing their products. Makes zero sense.
Posted 2 years ago · Author
This is an old post, but I can't understand why any creator would be mad over anyone wish listing their products. Makes zero sense.


i aint even gonna bother with it now lol the last time i went to follow her again i got blocked again lmaooo XD im not sure if it's cuz she probably thinks im a bot...that's the only reasonable thing i can think of....but im not like begging for gifts or doing shout outs or whatever lol
Posted 2 years ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom

PM me some information about these servers?


I don't use IMVU Next much and I'm not a big social media user, so I'm a bit confused as why they would block you even if you were a bot. Does liking a post or following the person create some sort of spam via emails or notifications?

Assuming the bot isn't being used to inflate stats by the target (not sure why people even care about this on imvu), what purpose would a bot like this serve?
Posted 2 years ago · Author
DataMine wrote:
@Don Von Alpha DomPM me some information about these servers?@sadecatgirlI don't use IMVU Next much and I'm not a big social media user, so I'm a bit confused as why they would block you even if you were a bot. Does liking a post or following the person create some sort of spam via emails or notifications?Assuming the bot isn't being used to inflate stats by the target (not sure why people even care about this on imvu), what purpose would a bot like this serve?


just checked the email subscriptions and it looks like u'll get an email if someone sends u a friend request, comments on ur post or DM's u.

bots just like a bunch of posts and sometimes comment stuff like "gorgeous" "lovely" "amazing" etc. but also it aint really worth to block all of them cuz there's always gonna be more so.... :P
Posted 2 years ago
I dont understand the bots that do that. What benefit does the bot operator get out of posting comments if they aren't linking to some phishing scame or something.
Posted 2 years ago
Bots serve a huge purpose for the feed fan base, people pay others to get fake likes and comments, because it moves you to the top, which is the goal. Imvu could see your post and ad it to their feed, if this happens for a creator, it means $$$ for a decent amount of time. I believe the goal is to get to the top or get others to see the post which usually has a link to products in it. Or popularity. There is a bit of both things that are veryyyy wanted. I use to win things naturally in the old feed, however now its a vcoin/credit sink for anyone that wants 15 mins of fame.
Posted 2 years ago

Those bots I understand, I'm talking about bots that aren't solicited by the target and only post meaningless messages without any sort of advertisements or phishing links.
Posted 2 years ago
I assumed those were the bots lol :sweatdrop: I guess theres 2 types? If they do it with no reason, then I'm also lost on that lol.
Posted 2 years ago
@datamine theres one thats hatersmd. posts stupidest shit ever datamine should look into a away to flood add them/spam them msgs. all on there posts to annoy them. we should get back at them. make a mass bot that spams/adds them and spams there posts some how. to just fuck with them. on other bot accounts to show them how we feel lmafo
Posted 2 years ago · Author
4beb wrote:
@datamine theres one thats hatersmd. posts stupidest shit ever datamine should look into a away to flood add them/spam them msgs. all on there posts to annoy them. we should get back at them. make a mass bot that spams/adds them and spams there posts some how. to just fuck with them. on other bot accounts to show them how we feel lmafo


ah yes that one....sometimes they would even send out friend requests x.x lmaooo

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