Posted 2 years ago
I was on IMVU back in 2005 to 2007 and on and off till 2011 when I was in a car wreck. I came back in 2019 but couldn't find my account. I made my new account and tried to have IMVU resurrect my old account. But they wouldn't because of.. ??? who know why?? At any rate I made my first 3d program in 88; stand alone PC version in DOS OS using QuickBASIC. NO bitmaps so it was blocky but I could move around in it. In 1996 I found a few vrml sites and attempted to learn vrml but found in 2005, SL, and IMVU along with about 30 other 3D sites that I joined at that time. I have compiled all the good things I like about these sites and have been taking online classes learning how to program with the Unreal Engine. So we will see what happens with all that. I'd still like to resurrect my old IMVU account if anyone knows how to do that. Thanks..