Sweepstakes: Passing Summer Days - FREE MEDITS!!!

by Xacto · 20 posts
1 year ago in Contests
Posted 1 year ago · Author
July's Summer Sweepstakes - Passing Summer Days in Style
This is an open-ended topic discussion and sweepstakes. We want to hear from as many of our mafiosos as possible.
Your mission: Tell us how've you been spending your summer days.
Whether it's taking trips, outdoor activities, going beast mode in gaming, or being a complete couch potato, we want to know what's YOUR way of enjoying the summer this year.
Summer Chill.jpg

Share as much as you want. Come find people with like or similair interests as the stories come in too.
Plus, you'll effortlessly boost your participation on our site, and earn medits for it.
It's too easy, amirite? I know I am. :awesome13:
And we're about to make it easier, so keep reading on below!!!

We're giving away medits. And lots of them. Free. How many, you ask? 27,000 medits in total. No jokes. :tlacool:

"But what's the catch, you say?" Simple. None.
Participate in the discussion. And that's it. You're now locked in for the rest of the sweepstakes.
The more of you, the community, that participate, the more medits we will hand out.
For every 10 members that post in this topic for the first time, we'll add another 1,000 medits to be handed out at the end for the grand sweepstakes, up to a total of 10,000 medits.
When we reach 20 participants, we'll take the first 20 names and randomly draw 2 member's names, who will :moneyrotate: win 1,000 medits each. :moneyspin:
When we reach 50 participants, we'll take the first 50 names and randomly draw 5 member's names, who will :moneyrotate: win 1,000 medits each. :moneyspin:
If we reach 100 participants... I dare say you will have made the Don proud by displaying your unwavering spirit and eagerness to be active members in our community.:tlahappypoint:
We'll take the first 100 participants and randomly draw 10 member's names, who will :moneyrotate: win 1,000 medits each. :moneyspin:
Then there's our grand sweepstakes. 10,000 medits, split between 5 lucky members randomly selected from all who participated, each :moneyrotate: winning 2,000 medits each :moneyspin:
Each member can only win once per drawing.

So start earlier, and secure up to 4 chances to win!
End Date:
The overall sweepstake ends August 18, 2023. The grand sweepstakes will occur after that date. The other sweepstakes will be as requirements are reached.

Are you excited yet? I know I am. Now, go forth, and showcase how you rock this summer in style!
Spoiler: I heard you want more medits and more fun ...

So check out our July - Movie Quotes - Sentence Contest viewtopic.php?f=87&t=14987 going on now till the end of July!!!
Last edited by Xacto on Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 1 year ago
well i had a 2 week trip in Germany right when i finished college XD then i had 2 concerts back to back when i came home lol so rn im just being a couch potato with a little bit of exercise lol as i catch up on youtube videos i missed lol

i got like 2 more shows this summer :3 ghost files live and avenged sevenfold north America tour. hopefully get to spend more time with my friends before i start college again in Sept.

my irl friend's bf is finally coming home after being stuck in Ireland for a couple months due to government shit with his residency so hopefully we (me, my friend, my other friend, and her bf) can all go to the fair when he comes back :33
Posted 1 year ago · Author
well i had a 2 week trip in Germany right when i finished college
Wow that's awesome! My mother's side of the family is from Germany. Just the other day I was asking her to tell me about some of her childhood memories. Was your trip there a celebratory trip? Or were you visiting family /some other purpose?
Then i had 2 concerts back to back
What were the names of the two concerts you had attended? Last concert I went to was a solid 20+ years ago at least haha. It was a live James Brown concert. Totally was awesome, until a drunk lady got on the stage and ruined my chance to get his autograph. :kat_emoji20:
hopefully get to spend more time with my friends before i start college again in Sept.
Do you have a couple more years? Hopefully you'll get several more oppurtunities to enjoy it while you can! For me, once college wrapped up, time really started to fly lol and I had much less energy to spend hanging around.
my irl friend's bf is finally coming home after being stuck in Ireland...
Yikes, good thing its finally straightened out now. The fair idea sounds like an absolute blast. There hasn't been one around me for a while now... I miss the junk foods xD. Authentic fresh Zeppoles so hot you burn your fingers holding them, doused in extra extra powdered sugar... Absolutely the best thing ever. :awesome10:
Posted 1 year ago
Xacto wrote:
well i had a 2 week trip in Germany right when i finished college Wow that's awesome! My mother's side of the family is from Germany. Just the other day I was asking her to tell me about some of her childhood memories. Was your trip there a celebratory trip? Or were you visiting family /some other purpose?

idk..my mom just wanted to go lol oh i did get to spend 2 days with my friend tho so that was nice :3 we got matching satan themed shirts from a local goth shop lol

Then i had 2 concerts back to back What were the names of the two concerts you had attended? Last concert I went to was a solid 20+ years ago at least haha. It was a live James Brown concert. Totally was awesome, until a drunk lady got on the stage and ruined my chance to get his autograph.

first one was Blink-182 second one was Nickelback. funny enough the tour shirt for Nickelback was $5 more than Blink-182 lol

hopefully get to spend more time with my friends before i start college again in Sept. Do you have a couple more years? Hopefully you'll get several more opportunities to enjoy it while you can! For me, once college wrapped up, time really started to fly lol and I had much less energy to spend hanging around.

im 23 rn i just dont wanna end up wasting my life away when i end up having to sell my soul to the corporate overlords lol so im just tryin to enjoy what i got left before having to do that pretty much XD

my irl friend's bf is finally coming home after being stuck in Ireland...Yikes, good thing its finally straightened out now. The fair idea sounds like an absolute blast. There hasn't been one around me for a while now... I miss the junk foods . Authentic fresh Zeppoles so hot you burn your fingers holding them, doused in extra extra powdered sugar... Absolutely the best thing ever.@sadecatgirl

Posted 1 year ago · Author
Oh my, I almost thought you hadn't posted anything, just quoted lol. Try copy pasting segments of the quote with manual quote tags when you're doing multiple replies. That way you get medits for posting, and its easier to see your responses. :awesome14: :awesome14: :awesome14:
idk..my mom just wanted to go lol oh i did get to spend 2 days with my friend tho so that was nice :3 we got matching satan themed shirts from a local goth shop lol
That certainly sounds pretty neat. Where did you guys go and do during those two days? Seems like there would of been a lot of time to see the sights and hangs out. Did you grab a bite to eat anywhere? What's the food like?
first one was Blink-182 second one was Nickelback. funny enough the tour shirt for Nickelback was $5 more than Blink-182 lol
I admit I don't know anything about them. Is it unusual/weird for a Nickelback tour shirt to cost more than the Blink-182?
im 23 rn i just dont wanna end up wasting my life away when i end up having to sell my soul to the corporate overlords lo
LMAO it's not THAT bad trust me. But it does get busier and days feel longer if you don't have the skills and education to make yourself attractive for jobs. So take every chance to boost your skills now, it;ll make your life easier, for sure. Plus, if you have the right combo of skills, people will chase after YOU to come work for them. It's a refreshing feeling honestly hahaha

Posted 1 year ago
Oh my, I almost thought you hadn't posted anything, just quoted lol. Try copy pasting segments of the quote with manual quote tags when you're doing multiple replies. That way you get medits for posting, and its easier to see your responses. :awesome14: :awesome14: :awesome14:

ohhh ok i see!!! i was wondering how to make it look neater lol thank u!!

That certainly sounds pretty neat. Where did you guys go and do during those two days? Seems like there would of been a lot of time to see the sights and hangs out. Did you grab a bite to eat anywhere? What's the food like?

we walked around in a park, took a river bus tour with my parents, visited Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, mostly just sightseeing lol food was good im vegetarian so i just ate plenty of fries with mayo and curry ketchup....curry ketchup just tasted like normal ketchup with a hint of curry flavouring in it. it's not spicy at all lol

I admit I don't know anything about them. Is it unusual/weird for a Nickelback tour shirt to cost more than the Blink-182?

not sure...it was $50 for the Blink-182 tour shirt. hoodie was $100 :sweatdrop: but ofc merch is always gonna be a bit pricey soo...

LMAO it's not THAT bad trust me. But it does get busier and days feel longer if you don't have the skills and education to make yourself attractive for jobs. So take every chance to boost your skills now, it;ll make your life easier, for sure. Plus, if you have the right combo of skills, people will chase after YOU to come work for them. It's a refreshing feeling honestly hahaha

the course im taking in Sept. is suppose to help me with finding work...they'll take u out on work experience for like 2 weeks i think? i took a course similar to it in uni 3 years ago and we had to write down 3 places we wanna try for the work experience. currently i only have 2 ideas in mind....a baby store and a sex store... :sweatdrop: i will have to ask the teacher about the sex store one lol i just work somewhere that's near my home, allow me to dress how i normally would (graphic t- shirts and sweatpants/leggings lol) and i wont hate lol

Posted 1 year ago · Author
ohhh ok i see!!! i was wondering how to make it look neater lol thank u!!
Glad to assist, hope it makes your life easier now :awesome13:

we walked around in a park, took a river bus tour with my parents, visited Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, mostly just sightseeing lol food was good im vegetarian so i just ate plenty of fries with mayo and curry ketchup....curry ketchup just tasted like normal ketchup with a hint of curry flavouring in it. it's not spicy at all lol

Couple of questions here.
1: Is a river bus some sort of boat that looks like a bus but is made for the wateR?
2. What was your favorite section? I just looked it up on Wikipedia, and that sounds totally amazing :D And I saw about the push buttons. Do they really have one that lets you make and taste chocolate!?!?
3. I might have to try that next time I eat some fries. I do the mayo and ketchup thing, but never tried adding curry to the mix. Do you like your curry hot? They have decently spicy curry, like hot Jamaican powder and a bunch of milder ones too. I wonder how it would taste with some homemade potato wedge fries...

the course im taking in Sept. is suppose to help me with finding work...they'll take u out on work experience for like 2 weeks i think?
NGL, the second choice is an interesting option to choose for a first job. In an ideal world, you would generally want to work somewhere that lets you gain skills or experience to set you up for your next job, or at least put you in a better spot financially. Ofc, ideal world scenarios don't happen as much as we'd all like lmao. But I totally get you on wanting to work somewhere near your home. When I was looking for my first job, I was dreading the idea of taking a position that was more than 15-25 minutes away from my house. I know someone at my current job who's making an hour plus commute to and from work every day... just to make the ends meet. Just nuts lol
Posted 1 year ago
Couple of questions here.
1: Is a river bus some sort of boat that looks like a bus but is made for the wateR?
2. What was your favorite section? I just looked it up on Wikipedia, and that sounds totally amazing :D And I saw about the push buttons. Do they really have one that lets you make and taste chocolate!?!?
3. I might have to try that next time I eat some fries. I do the mayo and ketchup thing, but never tried adding curry to the mix. Do you like your curry hot? They have decently spicy curry, like hot Jamaican powder and a bunch of milder ones too. I wonder how it would taste with some homemade potato wedge fries...

1. honestly it looks more like a bus than a boat lol but it is made to go into the water lol
2. probably the airport one? there's lots of different designs on the planes lol yes there is a button that gives u a small piece of lindt chocolate ouo
3. i think they just add curry powder into the ketchup maybe? not 100% sure. i thai food is one of my favs lol i loooveee spicy :33 but yooo korean spicy is on another level!!!

NGL, the second choice is an interesting option to choose for a first job. In an ideal world, you would generally want to work somewhere that lets you gain skills or experience to set you up for your next job, or at least put you in a better spot financially. Ofc, ideal world scenarios don't happen as much as we'd all like lmao. But I totally get you on wanting to work somewhere near your home. When I was looking for my first job, I was dreading the idea of taking a position that was more than 15-25 minutes away from my house. I know someone at my current job who's making an hour plus commute to and from work every day... just to make the ends meet. Just nuts lol

actually it won't be my first job lol my first job was at a local drug store (like a pharmacy but it has a little bit of everything...) i dont drive so as long as i can get there by bus im ok... lol so i have some basic skills that i can bring over to the next job... :P

Posted 1 year ago · Author
1. honestly it looks more like a bus than a boat lol but it is made to go into the water lol
that's pretty cool. Sounds like an amphibious type of vehicle.
probably the airport one? there's lots of different designs on the planes lol yes there is a button that gives u a small piece of lindt chocolate ouo
Dang that sounds really really awesome lol. I hope i can check it out some day, Wikipedia doesn't do it justice for sure.
3. i think they just add curry powder into the ketchup maybe? not 100% sure. i thai food is one of my favs lol i loooveee spicy :33 but yooo korean spicy is on another level!!!
Thai food? Korean spicy??? You gotta share some recommendations with me fam. I've never had food of either category before. I'm not TOO big on spicy and what not but I do appreciate me a little heat so I would totally love getting some first time recs lol

actually it won't be my first job lol my first job was at a local drug store (like a pharmacy but it has a little bit of everything...) i dont drive so as long as i can get there by bus im ok... lol so i have some basic skills that i can bring over to the next job... :P

Aha, alrighty then. Ya that's pretty cool. I have a pharmacy like that in my town too so I understand. And yea I'm still working on a license myself, so I totally feel you there. Would be neat what skills you bring over from your pharmacy job, should you take the sex shop position. Like the sales rep stuff or the customer service interactions hahaha
Posted 1 year ago
Best ever summer, I visited my grandparents’ home, which is located far away from the city’s bustle. My cousins visited our grandparents, too, during their summer vacation. My grandmother prepared a lot of dishes, and we relished every bite of the food. My grandfather loves gardening, and we helped him planting new saplings and water the plants in the garden. We all used to sit together in the evenings and listen to my grandparents’ stories. Thereafter, we all used to go to the terrace and play some games. At night, we gazed at the stars and moon and listened to some mesmerizing stories about the stars and moon narrated by my grandmother. I had a wonderful time spending some memorable moments with my grandparents.

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