Those white / yellow spots on IMVU are called "nodes".
What you are referring to as an "elevator", is also called a "teleporter".
When you click on the node, it triggers an animation that targets the room and translates the node, to a different position within the room, taking the person who is standing on it with it. Where the node is translated to depends on the coordinates within the animation. Most developers translate to position 0,0,0 .... but not all. Our developers translate to position 0,0,0. If the developer you bought the room from also translates to position 0,0,0 ... then our teleporters will work for you. If the developer you bought the room from translates to a different position, then our teleporters will not work with your pre-existing room.
We give our customers access to free teleporters with every order. Order any sex product on our market, and you will also get access to our teleporters and activators.