Weird things that satisfy you

by AznPuff · 60 posts
9 years ago in Social Games
Posted 3 years ago
Playing Sudoku untill my brain is fried :panda33: lol
Posted 3 years ago
Finish Reading a Book
Posted 2 years ago
Okay so, for me, I will say: Watching a random person who insisted on doing things their way, meet an unfortunate situation or issue. And when I say insisted, I mean they were kindly advised by myself or other people not to do something the way they had been, but they acted like "I know what to do and can't anyone tell me otherwise" up until the point they royally fucked up lol. It's just so satisfying watching people be dumb sometimes.

And now, I will be replying to whatever replies have been made thus far that really interest or intruige me... because I've just read through them all, aaaaaand I'm feeling pretty chatty today. :awesome14: :awesome14:

DataMine wrote:
making things neat and organized in straight lines or even patterns.


I just want to say: Yes. Yes. YES. And to add on to that, sometimes I've made things so neat and organized that I actually feel pained to disturb it later on because I feel I'll unlikely be able to reach that level of neatness again lol.

Pampered Pancake wrote:
Writing the perfect letter, or number

@Pampered Pancake

For me, it always seems to happen when I'm not intentionally trying my best to write something, but I'm just in a flow. Then I see how perfectly I wrote it and try to continue but end up breaking the flow :kat_emoji11:
Pampered Pancake wrote:
When things click in securely~

You mean like that hard crisp "SNAP" you hear when you pop on the best tight fitting Tupperware lid? :o :o

AznPuff wrote:
Bizarre commercials.


If ONLY we still had commercials like this these days. Now, everything on TV is just, "tame" in fear of being inappropriate smh. I wish people weren't so... uptight? I think that's the word. The older commercials were great... Anyone remember a certain Skittles commercial that had a man and woman in it with a shower of Skittles coming from the man's pants off camera??? :awesome33:

Hempy wrote:
This one satisfy me lol


Being held / holding a beloved while cooking? Yea I'll take that any day. Has fuzzy vibes all over it. Just gotta make sure you don't burn yourself or cause them to drop a pot lol :D

Pampered Pancake wrote:
When putting things away and you have just enough room.

@Pampered Pancake

Never thought about this but you're so right. I think it especially holds when I get worried that it won't fit, but then I just happen to squeeze it all in somehow without having to rearrange things repeatedly.

Pampered Pancake wrote:

Okay so, watching that video was SOOOOOOO incredibly satisfying. TIL I have a new thing to look for on YT: Dominoes. Just WOW. That was gorgeous! Reaaaaally, that checked so many boxes for me, like I'd legit would watch that in my downtime. Or ya know, at 3am when my brain doesn't wanna sleep rofl. But yea, if anything, in addition to the visual appeal, just the sound of the dominoes constantly striking each other and watching them move at the same speed, then hearing the crashing of several rows at once.... phew. Shame one generally can't just listen to the dominoes fall with no other sounds, it's practically therapeutic. So truly, thank you for this. I'll have to look for some other dominoe vidoes that do it just right for me.

Christian wrote:Getting my hair braided
You must have long hair.Conquering something I thought I couldn't. Best satisfaction money can't buy.


HEAR HEAR! Nothing like proving to yourself that you have what it takes to achieve and succeed! I am someone who has struggled for many years with thinking up and starting waaaaay to many project. And more often than not I'd get crushed under the sense of a lack of completion, or find it hard how to find the time to direct towards working towards those self projects. So seeing this definetly made me just think back to how excited and truly satisfied I'd feel with myself whenever I conquered an obstacle and made it my achievement. I gotta remember to look back and reflect on where I've come from and how far I've made it when I get despondent tbh

Having a can of lysol, cuz I like killing germs.

Exact same, 'cept sub out lysol for Raid, and germs for pesty insects :D. I swear I have a field day every early fall when the crickets and such try to worm their way into our house's foundation lol

Esbeth wrote:
Covering my Lovers Body with Whipped Cream and slowly licking it off


I don't suppose you end it with a lick to the cherry on top? :awesome33:

Remy wrote:
watching my dog steal dirty laundry and run out of the house with it. lol


Does your dog have any particular favorites when it comes to garments / laundry, like dirty socks perhaps? And how often do they do it? I get the feeling you might have some funny stories about this, perhaps finding something tucked away outside in a stash hole, or underwear buried in the yard lmao. If so, I would love to hear some of them ^^

sadecatgirl wrote:
when things fit perfectly


I'd just like to add as an extension, when they fit perfectly AND you knew they would just by taking a glance at it, and the space it was going to go into. :kat_emoji13:

ftm_shop wrote:
Finish Reading a Book


This is unrelated but... You ever finish reading a book, and feel like you can't start the next book just yet? Instead you feel you have to let the fact that the first book is over, and how the ending played out, sink in a bit first? I swear, sometimes I get excited when I go to read a book a few days after I've finished it, only to remember after starting to read that it's over and there's nothing left to read. :awesome27:
Posted 1 year ago
pimple popping lmfao IDK why
Posted 1 year ago
Putting my hands ontop of the water's edge.
Posted 1 year ago
my nipples are my spot for some reason , kissing them , licking them , sucking them just feels weirdly good asf

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