What annoys you?

General Tony
by General Tony · 262 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 1 year ago
rude people, someti,es you just want to have a nice chat, and the other person had a bad day or something, you dont know, then they respond all mad and you are there like.... what?, it kinda makes me hate people not all only the rude ones, like dude chill, i was just trying to be friendly, also another thing, when you show a video to a friend and they have not seen it yet, and put another one before it finish
Posted 1 year ago
The sugar accounts that keep following me. So many hackers especially when you make a new account too.
Posted 1 year ago
one thing ireally hate that really badly annoys me is hearing people eat or drink , i hate the soudn grinds mny ears
Posted 1 year ago
Dumb people, people that lack common sense, if someone stares at me, people feet, the way they chew things I can just go on rofl
Posted 1 year ago
@General Tony

When couples say "Bae" "Kitten" etc, Really fucking annoying in my opinion
Posted 1 year ago
@General Tony

few things that annoy me are the following people that bug me or annoying or at times they ask question you know they know the answer too but they ask anywhere. or they ask the same question that someone has already asked like 10 times.... ughhhhh or nail biting like ewwwwww
Posted 1 year ago
Silent protagonists on VU.

"Heyo, how's it going?"
>Either leaves outright or "good hbu".
"Pretty good, thanks. Relaxing and listening to some tunes.
>Sits/stands in silence until leaving.

I'm very confident this is more of a thing with younger and/or mobile users. But good lord, the level of social ineptitude. Never used to be a thing until 2016ish, far as I can recall.
Posted 1 year ago
Cell phone notifications. Like, the sound of them, and to a lesser extent, the vibrations. Also frequent toast notification popups. Something about it all just causes me issues rather quickly xD.

Pitbullover wrote:
ughhhhh or nail biting like ewwwwww


Oh god, the nail biting. I get that people have certain things that can be calming or soothing but it just is so not hygenic. Even worse is when people do stuff like dig in their nose, and then keep going on like nothing happened. Or use the restroom and don't wash their hands. I've seen a guy at work who routinely does not wash their hands when they use the restroom and it just makes me. :awesome28: :awesome32:

Auspicious K wrote:
Silent protagonists on VU.>Enters.
"Heyo, how's it going?"
>Either leaves outright or "good hbu".
"Pretty good, thanks. Relaxing and listening to some tunes.
>Sits/stands in silence until leaving.I'm very confident this is more of a thing with younger and/or mobile users. But good lord, the level of social ineptitude. Never used to be a thing until 2016ish, far as I can recall.

@Auspicious K

And this, oh absolutely this. Back in my early VU days, the only time you used to experience silence in a room, is if the user was genunely in another room chatting or distracted or something. And if they weren't they talked at least somewhat decently. Now its just a nightmare out there lmao.

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