the position of the world of video games.

by Jergito95 · 10 posts
8 months ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 8 months ago · Author
Hello everyone, I hope you're well, today I'm posting on a subject that may seem perhaps sensitive, and it concerns the global context from 2020 until now. War and the world of video game giants, we saw when there was war in Ukraine Epic Games supported Ukraine and donated a large sum for this country! What do you think of the video game world's stance on the conflict between the war in Europe (Ukraine VS Russia) and the war in the Middle East (Israel VS Palestine)? The stance of imvu, Epic Games but not only them... and if you have any leads on this subject, please let us know :) !
Posted 8 months ago
I think people should stop making up agendas for media, or shoehorning it in. Let games be games and have fun, regardless if it's inspired by or similar to any real-world events. Same for movies and TV, unless it's specifically intended to be historic.

Politics and real-world issues should have no place in something that's just for entertainment - it's not real, it's a game, movie, TV, etc. Besides, there's enough drama and turmoil in real life, I play games or watch movies to escape that.
Posted 8 months ago
@Auspicious K

Preach! I consume so much less media these days because of it. It's getting more difficult to find good movies and shows that don't in some way inject social politics or other agendas or simply water them selves down to be in offensive to the most people. I find myself looking back to the 80s and 90s when searching for movies more often these days.
Posted 8 months ago

Same! I've never been a big TV person anyway, but more and more now are forcing stuff down your throat. Same with movies and some AAA games have become pretty egregious with it; I know I took some issue with BFV and Vanguard really forcing agendas in favour of actual historical accuracy. Low and behold, it made for a pitiful campaign in BFV's case - very bare minimum afterthought. Never bought the latter, so I can't say for sure, but from what I saw it was a little ridiculous.

They really don't make them like they used to. I realized a few weeks ago when Bad Boys II was on TV that they barely make 'fun' movies anymore. No deep and dark moody stuff, no agenda or messaging, just enough believability ..and fun.
Posted 8 months ago
@Auspicious K

But but but...female empowerment trumps historical accuracy right....right? :awesome6:

Bad Boys 2 would never be made today. It would offend way too many people, lol. Now if only they had stopped at 2 before that garbage that was
Bad Boys for Life was made.
Posted 8 months ago

Or so they think/hope haha. What's sad is it's not that hard to make genuinely awesome and badass characters on their own merit, without hand-fisting "their identity". Femme fatales exist for a reason ..or used to. Also you're absolutely right. I'd completely forgotten the scene with the rats, it was a pleasant (and childish, but great) surprise. I couldn't even finish Bad Boys For Life, I started watching it on Netflix and stopped it about half way to go for a nap instead, then never went back.
Posted 8 months ago
@Auspicious K

I had the video store scene in mind, lool

It's been a while since I've seen the 3rd one so I can't remember exactly why I didn't like it other than not being a fan of the being old jokes. The movie just felt too "new generation" if that makes sense. It felt more cringey and trying to appease a younger crowd. Guess I'm just getting old.
Posted 8 months ago

Oh god haha! I know exactly how you mean, too. I don't even think it's getting old, but rather the humour just didn't land this time and was kinda forced. At least it wasn't as bad as the new Expendables movie though, jeeesus. I expected somewhat silly, mindless funny and schlocky humour ..what we got was 60% Statham cheese, waaay too much Megan Fox and her awful acting and then 5% of everything else. Could've been a Segal movie, I swear.
Posted 8 months ago
@Auspicious K


Yeah, the expandables went down hill as well, it was always sort of a parody but I don't think that's an excuse for bad writing and really bad cgi. Still better that half the shit coming out these days though, lol.
Posted 8 months ago
Oh god, yes haha! But yeah, you're absolutely right. I think that's what Fast & Furious turned into ..not entirely sure, I stopped watching after 5 or so and we're up to 10 or 11 now? Let it die already, Universal.

At this point I'm not even sure if they went to space or not, or if that was just the joke people made around 8 or 9.

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