2 Fast 2 Furious script

by Hamell · 3 posts
1 year ago in Off Topic
Posted 1 year ago · Author
Yo, Jimmy. Give me the status.
Tell me we good.

- You got it, man.
- Beautiful.

It's gonna be an all-timer tonight.

All right, fire them up!

We go live in five!

It's time for ignition
and straight automobile pimping.

- Girl!
- Sorry! My bad!

All right, ladies! We're good.

We're good.

That's it, babies.

Come on, Tej!
Let's get this race going!

Wait a second, man.

You cats are first wave.
Where's your fourth at?

It was Joaquin, but he had
to work the graveyard shift.

What? Graveyard shift, man.

- Why don't you run with us, Tej?
- Hell, I'm not running with y'all.

I tell you, either you find a fourth
or you don't race. How about that?

We should find two, so we don't have
to roll with skirt here.

Whoa, wait a second.

Why don't I find you a fourth
and we settle this on the streets?

- Bring him on.
- Anybody I want?

No matter who it is?



Yeah, man. You want to race tonight?

I could use the money.
You got four minutes.

I'll be there.

The race starts in four minutes.

All right, girls, let's do this.

- You think you'll win, baby?
- What do you think?

- You better. We got rent to pay.
- I know this.

I'll get you when you
get a car worth racing.

There's our fourth.

Shit. It's Brian.

- What's up, Tej?
- What's happening, dude?

- Thanks for the invite.
- No problem at all, man.

Just remember me
when you wax, all right?

They got deep pockets?

Real deep.

- What's up, Suki?
- What's up, Bullitt?

What do you say we kick it a nickel?

Nobody mentioned raising stakes.

If that's the case,
ask these nice people...

to back off the line
so you can go home.

Okay. $3,500.


Either that
or you can go home, bruh.

It's all there.
Better be.

Damn, Suki, when are you
going to pop my clutch?

As soon as you get
the right set of tools.

All right.

All right, back up. Let's go.

Back y'all asses up!

Back up before
you turn into barbecue around here.

It's not a game. This is serious.

All right, back up.
Get off the street. Let's go.

Back it up. Everybody keep
your heads real clear, all right?

'Cause I got a surprise
for y'all this evening.

Go, Slap Jack! Go, baby!

I got this.



Oh, hell, no!

You ain't passing me, dawg. Come on.

What you got?

I told you, you wouldn't pass me!

Move, bitch!

Not tonight, baby!

Bend over, boy.

Damn, girl!

Last turn.

Too wide.

Home stretch, baby.

Got to go, dawg!


I can smell you!

Yo, Jimmy, hit it, baby!

All right. Y'all see that?

I told y'all I had a surprise.

How you like that for a finale?




Oh, hell, no!

Smack that ass!


I saw that, man.
Bullitt and Suki sprayed the bridge.

I need to start making
y'all pay to see this shit.

I got over $10,for my man here, all right?

That's what I'm talking about, man.
Play with it.

- Smells good, don't it?
- How about that?

Right. Y'all see this?
Everybody take a good look.

This is what you call mutual
respect. All right, let's clear out.

Anybody down for another race?


Make sure you bring that body
by the garage later...

so we can work
on that front end of yours.

Watch out.

Maybe I will.

Where are you going?

- Time to get out of here.
- Why is that?

Nissan Skyline! Got him!



Let me see your hands!
Put them up!

Yeah, this is him.
We got him.

So, how long
you been in South Florida?

A while.
Before that?

We know you're Brian O'Conner,
formerly of the LAPD.

- You got the wrong guy.
- Really?

How you doing, O'Conner?

Let's take a walk.

Carter Verone.

Born in Argentina, but he's lived
most of his life in Miami.

Now he owns the biggest
import-export business in the state.

Unfortunately, the cartels have been
successful getting drugs into Miami.

But they've had a hard time
getting the cash out.

We've surveilled him for a year.

But we haven't been able to put him
and the money together.

- We've swept his house, warehouses-
- Nothing.

Customs here has done a great job
of getting us this far.

I'm here to help get them
over the top.

I was able to get
an agent in undercover...

working travel and
logistics for him.

Verone's put her in charge
of finding new drivers.

Right, although we can't confirm
her status right now.

- You think she's flipped?
- She's one of mine. She's all right.

She's been in with Verone a year.
Even lives at the compound with him.

Look, it was the FBI's idea
to bring you in. I'm against it.

But we need good drivers to put
this asshole and his money together.

You're gonna roll with Agent Dunn.

And if I don't?

Here's a list of the laws
you broke in L.A.

Obstruction of justice, aiding and
abetting. You know the rap sheet.

We can make this all go away
in the interest of justice...

if you're willing to play ball.

What's the idea here? Dunn and I
are supposed to be street racers?

That's right.

So, Dunn...

looks like we're
going to be partners, bro.

Tell me, what would be
a better motor...

for my Skyline,
a Gallo 12 or a Gallo 24?

Twenty four.

I didn't know
pizza places made motors.

See, man, come on, I can't do this.

If this is what you'll give me,
I'll take my chances in Chino.

We'll get someone else.

No way, man.

The only way I'll do this is
if I get to pick the driver.

All right, O'Conner.
Who you got in mind?

- A dude I grew up with in Barstow.
- Who's that?

Roman Pearce.

That him in the Monte Carlo?
That's him.

He's got some skills.

And he's crazy as hell,
I'm telling you.

In a good way, though.
He's the man for the job.

And he has quite a record,
including three years upstate.

Says here,
he's on house arrest now.

Can't go more than
100 yards from his home.

He always said he'd be famous.


Roman Pearce!

Whatever happens next,
just let it go.

I ain't in it.


Only my homeboys call me Rome...


- I'm not a cop anymore.
- Is that true?

Blondie here is not a cop anymore?

That's true. No badge.

Here we go.

You still fight like shit.

You better chill.

- Why are you here?
- I'll choke you.

I told you to stay away from me.

You should have told me.
I did three years, Brian.

I told you it wasn't my fault.

Why did you come here?

I got a deal for you.

When I needed your ass,
you were nowhere to be found.

Now you're trying to hand out deals?

I need you to come to Miami
and drive with me.

If you do, they'll take off
that anklet and clear your record.

I did three years in jail.

Three years over you, Brian.

- I know you better than you think.
- Maybe you don't.

Maybe you don't.

You guys finished?

Is this deal legit?

That's right.
If you do this job for us.

- I told you.
- Shut up, punk.

So you'll clean my record
and get this thing off my ankle.

That's right.

I thought you couldn't wander
more than 100 yards from your home.

Why do you think
I'm parked so close to the derby?

Quit playing
like you'll pass this up.

You stupid...

Wait. Hold on.

Bro, what's going on?

I don't know if
I should be trusting you, man.

Think of it this way. It's a chance
for a fresh start. Let's do this.

I wouldn't need a fresh start
if it wasn't for you.

You've been using that
since you got busted.

- Let's just chill out and do this.
- I don't need to chill out.

Yes, you do. And you need to stop
blaming me for your mistakes.

Roman Pearce needs to start taking
responsibility for his actions.

- You need to go to hell.
- You need to go back to Barstow.

I'm not going back
to Barstow.

Brian O'Conner,
Roman Pearce, meet Monica Fuentes.

- They have background on Verone?
- They've been briefed.

All right, here's the deal.

Verone's looking for drivers.
I arranged for you two to join.

I also hired some thugs
to make it legit.

- When do we start?
- Right now.

What are we driving?

Don't even think about
taking the convertible.

It might loosen your mousse.

That's cool.
Too much chrome for me anyways.

Damn! Where do you all
confiscate these rims from, man?

Check in with us after you meet him.

- You okay with these knuckleheads?
- I can handle them.

- If they trouble you, let me know.
- Thanks, Markham.

I ride with you, cowboy.

Why she gotta ride with you?

You get the convertible.
Let's go.

Turn right here.

- So, you used to be a cop?
- Yeah.

How long you been under?

I lost track.

You all right?

You might want to keep
your eyes on the road, playboy.

- You think we're gonna crash?
- I haven't decided yet.

What are you doing, Brian?

He did the "stare and drive" on you,
didn't he? He got that from me.

Once we get in here,
you're on your own.

Look at that one.

Where'd you get them cars?
At the bottom of a cereal box?

Real funny, Fonzie.


Roberto, Enrique,
I need pictures of the drivers...

their license plates, cars,
and anything else you can find.

Let's go.

Keep your mouth shut
and follow my lead, all right?

- I got this.
- No, I'm serious.

Handle your business.
I'll handle mine.

Watch your hands, bruh.

Go in line.

Let's go.


The drivers are here.

Come on.


What's going on here?
Tell me.

Thank you for coming
on such short notice.

My red Ferrari was confiscated.

It sits in an impound lot
in Little Haiti.

It's about 20 miles from here.

The car isn't important. The package
I left in the glove box is.

The first team back here
with the package...

will have an opportunity
to work for me.

What are you saying?
We got to audition?

Nobody has a gun to your head.

That's it.

Driver's licenses. Pass them up.

Before Christmas, guys.

Let's go!

Come on, cuz!

Let's see what this thing can do.

Agent Markham.
They're heading south on I-95.

I got it.

They're running. What a surprise.

Stick with me, Rome.

Why must I chase the cat?


You think you're the bomb, Rome?

Let's see if you still got it.

I got something for your ass.

Watch this, bro.


How do you like them apples?


That's the Brian O'Conner
school of driving, baby!

Crazy-ass white boy!



You better get out
of the street!

That's some bad shit.

What do we got?

That's good. Show me his partner.

Where are the cars?

Stinking boats. Where are the cars?

I need the cars.
Where are the cars at?

Look in the centre.


- Now put your blouse back on.
- Hater.


- Don't let him get away.
- Not a problem.

Sit on it, Fonzie!

What the hell?

Shit. Cops.

What are they doing here?

Rome, no!

Time to go.

Son of a bitch!

Juvy record
for popping cars. Two years in J.D.

Another year for aiding and abetting
an armed robbery.

He's clean. Dirty, but clean.

All right.

Hey, man. You got something
to eat up in there?

We hungry.

Sit them by the pool.

Nice. Come on.

- What are you checking her out for?
- I'm not checking her out.

- Yes, you were.
- No, I wasn't.

- I seen you checking her out.
- Okay, I was. Now shut up.

You shut up.
Don't tell me to shut up.

Both you girlies shut up.

You sure are cosy
in this big old mansion.

Sleeping with the enemy.

No, no. Sit down.

Nice Ferrari you got
in the driveway.

I'm glad you like it.

Darling, will you hold that?

We did all that for a damn cigar?

No. You did that for a job.

Do you really think that
I would let somebody impound my car?

The boatyard is mine.

By the way, you two owe me a gate.

I'll take it off your cut.

- Off our cut?
- Yeah.

I like that.

What's this job
you got for us, anyway?

Come with me.

The house has ears in it.

I have something I want you to carry
from North Beach to the Keys.

What is it?

Just put it in the car,
drive it to me...

and don't let anybody
stop you. Understand?

Any chance of cop trouble?

I'm buying you a window of time,
but it won't be open very long.

You make it...

and I'll personally hand you
$100,000 at the finish line.

Make it $100,000 apiece.

Look, man...


your pockets ain't nervous.

- Don't ever touch me.
- Ours are empty.

Like I said...

we hungry.

I got an idea. Why don't you boys
join us at the club later tonight?

Yeah. Pearl at midnight?

- Get to know each other better.
- Sounds good.

See you tonight.
See you.

Hey, you!

- Your pockets aren't empty.
- Damn.

I'll take my cutter back.

Stupid ass.

Hey, man, I figured you
had 12 or 13 of these.

You're not too bright.
Get out of here.

- You're doing the same stupid shit.
- Get off me.

Look, running your mouth?
Insulting people? Stealing his shit?

You think I'd let someone
stare me down?

I didn't let nobody
stare me down in jail, homeboy.

You think I'm gonna
let it fly on a beach?

"And you, I'll take my cutter back. "

His rich ass.

- And you're packing.
- Like you ain't.


- From here on, I do the talking.
- You want to do more than that.

What does that mean?

It means you always get in trouble
over a female, Brian.

Tej's garage is ridiculous.
He has everything.

Snap-on tools. These lifts are new.
They're only a couple of months old.

- Jimmy. What's up, man?
- What's up, Bullitt?

That's Rome there. Do me a favour.

When you get a second, I want you
to check out the Evo and Spyder.

Where'd you get an Evo from?

- It's a long story.
- I got you, man.

Thanks, Jimmy.

It's so hot and humid,
I can't even wear drawers.

Tell me about it.

Look at all this potential out here.

Ray, don't do that, man.
You're making me lose money.

Come on, stop that.
I know you're better than that.


Your boy can help put that fire out!
Look at the bubble-

Let's go.

Ray, you're making me
lose money.

Don't do that.
Don't do that to me, now.

Come on, Ray. Do it.

Tej Parker? This is Roman Pearce.

Basically, he's the man to know in
Miami. Has his finger in everything.

It's just the way it is.

- What's going on?
- What's up?

- How you doing?
- Good.

What's this?
What's the latest?

It's a work in progress.
It's not finished.

That's some artistic shit.
You got talent.

Ray, it's do or die now!
Bring it home, Ray!

Yeah, baby!

Pay up! Pay up!

That's how they do it out here?

- Every day.
- That's crazy.

Right here. Right now.
You don't look too happy.

Expeditiously, man. I need it quick.
Thank you. Thank you.

How you feeling, man?
You all right? Thank you.

Not too bad.

I see you're about your money,
homey. You race, too?

No, man. I hit a wall doing
like a buck 20 a couple years ago.

Ever since then, I've just been
organising and collecting.

Check it out. He'll be in town
a while. Can he use that cot?

What's wrong with your place?

I don't want to stay with him.
He has bad habits.

All right. Show him around.
I'll be up there in a minute.

- Thanks.
- Sure.

Who wants a chance
to win their money back?

So, Jimmy? You ever seen
anything like this before?

No. Both of them
are wired like I never seen before.


They got us wired with GPS.

That's why Markham knew
we were at that impound lot.

You the master mechanic.
Can't you just yank that shit out?

I'll try, but this ain't LoJack.

The DIS box, the engine management
system, the main harness...

The GPS is spidered into all that.

Tell me something, man.

Do I even want to know
where the Skyline is, dawg?

Or where you've been or where
the hell you got these rides from?

- They're hot.
- Yeah, they hot.

Wired so hot, anyone tracking them
knows if you wear your seat belt.

All right, Jimmy.

- Just do what you can do, bro.
- I got you.

Thanks, man.

We need to get these
on the street ASAP.

Check it out.

See that Cadillac across the street?

They've been on us
since we left Verone's house.

Elian and Fidel!

Can I clean your windshield?

What are you doing, man?

Is everything copastetic?

Kiss my ass.


Let's go!

He'll blow our cover
before we even get started.

- What went wrong?
- That's what I want to know.

Show me your hands.
Keep them up!

- What's this about?
- What's going on?

Hold this. You think you can
shoot at me? I'm a federal agent.

What are you talking about?

Get your damn hands off me!
Get him away from me, dawg!

'Cause you wear a badge doesn't mean
you can mess shit up for us!

Get your hands off me!

- Lucky I didn't shoot you!
- Shut up!

Don't tell me to shut up!

You almost blew our cover, old man!

You shouldn't have shown up
like you did.

You didn't know
Verone was testing us?

I thought you punks were running!

That's great. That's real great!

And if Rome wanted to shoot you?
You wouldn't be here right now.

We got to get this under control.

That's mine!


- Tell me what you know.
- We're making a run for Verone.

I'm not sure when or where...

but he said he bought us a window,
I assume from the local cops.

I can talk to some guys
at the local P.D.

No good. If Verone has some
of them on payroll...

we can't let
them know our operation.


In addition, Verone told us that
he himself will be at the drop.

That's good news.

If you're delivering drug money,
we can get him for laundering.

- Now, there's only one problem.
- What's that?


- Verone's tapping her.
- Tapping her?

- Tapping her how?
- That is crap.

What you talking about?
We know what we seen.

What do you think, O'Conner?
She's compromised? You should know.

- What does that mean?
- Your pal O'Conner didn't tell you?

He flipped on Bilkins in L.A.

He gave his mark his car keys
and let him disappear.

That's why he's not a cop anymore.

So what do you think, expert?

I don't know.

All right. We'll keep an eye on her.

We're out of here.

Let your man go?

Drop it.
I don't wanna talk about it.

Drop it, hell.
I want to hear about this, homey.

Forget about it, cuz.

We got Fuentes in with Verone...

Markham trying to blow our cover...

and we got two wired cars no better
than that ankle bracelet of mine.

I'll tell you, bruh, you let Markham
do that again in front of Verone...

that'll be our ass!

I know, man.
It's getting thick real quick.

We need a way out, got to
come up with an exit strategy.

- Exit strategy?
- Yeah.

I like the way that sounds.
What you got in mind?

I don't know.
But we need two more cars.

Here they come.

Fonzie and Fabio.
Glad you could join us.

We hear you want to get rid
of those Cracker Jack toys.

No, we figured your cars...

deserve better drivers,
so we'll take them off your hands.

Why don't we settle this now?

Wait. How about we settle
this on the blacktop?

Each car does a down-and-back,
tag-team style. For slips.

Loser walks home.

- We came to race.
- Load them up then.

Let's get these cars.

Check it out. There's no way
we'll beat these guys straight up.

That Hemi's putting out about 425...

and that Yenko will snap
a speedo in five seconds flat.

We have to pull something
out of our ass.

I think we should save
the spray for the way back.

Done deal.
Let's do this, bro.

I'm getting that orange one.

You ain't ready, Fabio!

All right.

You each got a barrel to go around
down at the end of the road.

Second wave's got to sit tight till
your partner crosses this line here.

First team to go down and back twice
wins the race.

At which point...

the losers will hand over them keys.

Or you'll be eating breakfast
through straws from now on.

I get it.

This means you, too.

I got it.

All right. Let's race.

Come on, baby, you got this, Rome!
This dude ain't serious.

Yeah, you gone, homey.
I got this. This is done.

You about to lose your car.

- Do it, Rome!
- Come on, you got it, man.

Think I'm worried about this fool?
This is nothing!

- Oh, no.
- American muscle.

Your engine ain't as big
as your mouth.

Got to smoke him.

All right, here we go!

- It's all right, I'll handle this.
- Handle it.

Ready, and... go!

You ain't ready!
I run these streets!

Romey Rome! You ain't heard of me?

Oh, shit.

Oh, yeah!

I'm gonna get you.

Where's your big mouth now?

That car's going home with me.

Shit. Eat this, sucker!


Yeah, boy! Go, Korpi!

Sorry, blondie,
how does that dust taste?

I don't know.

Come on, Rome.

What the...

Good move, kid.
Let's see if you got the balls.

Shit, come on.

Come on, Brian, bring it home, man!

We got two new cars!


Y'all ain't ready!
Get to walking, Fabio!

Use them bus tokens!

How are you?
What's your name?

We're Mr. Verone's guests.

It's a hoasis in here.

Yeah, lots of potential.

Damn. You got a pen?

It's about to get serious.

Look at that girl on the swing.

You guys did something right.
He never socialises with hired help.

Now what's that make you?

- Where's he at?
- He's on his way.

You and Verone
don't go everywhere together?

- What's that supposed to mean?
- Nothing.

- I'm gonna go take a piss.
- You go do that.

What is his deal?

He doesn't trust people
who carry badges.

You talk like you know.

I'd been a cop about two months when
Roman was busted in a garage raid.

He had eight sets of wheels
in his possession, each of them hot.

So you busted him?

I didn't know it was going down.
But that doesn't really matter.

Once I became a cop, Roman saw me
as a friend who became the enemy.

Is there anything I can get for you,
Mr. Verone?

Just tell them
to come join me.

I was admiring this.


I'm not giving it to you. What's up?

He's here.

Where's he at?

He's over there. Don't look.

Excuse me, Mr. Verone
would like for you to join him.

Let's do it.

See what I'm talking about?

It's all right, let them in.

Go sit down,
I'll talk to you in a second.

- How you doing?
- Good. Enjoying your night?

- Yeah, I'm having a good time.
- Good.

She's beautiful, isn't she?


She's gorgeous.

You got balls, kid.

I appreciate that.

Women are a powerful force.

You see the blonde sitting
with the gentleman right here?

Five minutes of her time, and she
can get anything she wants from him.

I love your hair.


I wonder where they're going?
Sit down.

So you lit my man's car on fire.
Is that right?


I did.

I got a problem with authority.

I have that same problem.

For me, it's cops in particular.

Let's take a walk. Come on.

We just got here.
And now we're leaving.

Let's go.


Come on.

What's all that?

We're going to have a little fun.

Thank you.

- It'll be fun. Let's stay longer.
- Yeah.

Hey, Carter.

Meet Detective Whitworth.

One of Miami's finest.

Thank you, sweetheart.

You enjoying yourself, Detective?

Yeah, I was.

I mean, you know me.


I do know you.

You've been on my payroll
a long time.

- Verone, that ain't right.
- Shut up.

I've got one last job for you.
You hear me?

- We've been through this.
- Yeah?

And I said I can't do it.

That's the wrong answer.
The table.

I'm a detective, Verone!

You do anything to me, the whole
force'll be on your ass in a minute.

Shut your mouth,
you fat piece of shit.

Stop right now.

What the hell?

Sit down.

You're going to regret this.
Stop right now!

Once the bucket
gets hot enough, Detective...

the rat is gonna want out.

And the only direction it can go,
is south.

Hold that.

Get it off me!

I'll forget it-

Shut up.

Did you know that your average rat
can chew through a steel drainpipe?

You have nothing to worry about
when he's screaming.

It's when he goes quiet
that he goes to work.

Stop it!

You can't be this stupid!
Stop it now!

You're in charge of the units
that are watching my properties.

What I want is a 15-minute window...

where everybody,
and I mean everybody, disappears.

- I can't do it!
- You can't?

Stop it.

Okay. Monica, come here.


Shut him up.


It's biting me!


Got something you want to say?

It bit me. Jesus.

- I'll do it!
- Do what? Say it.

I'll do it.
I'll give you your window.

Just get it off me.

Get it off!

You betray me...

and my rat here...

is gonna visit your wife, Lynn...

your son, Clay,
and your daughter, Lexi.

Do you hear me?
Do you understand me?

- Hear me?
- Get it off.

I'll burn your fucking eyes out!
I'll burn them out.

Now, you can go.

Get rid of him. Let's go.
Get it off.

You boys enjoy the show?

Fifteen minutes, and then every cop
in Florida's gonna be on you.

Be at Versailles Cafè at 6:00 a. m,
day after tomorrow, ready to drive.

- You understand?
- Yeah.

Don't play games with me...

or you'll be next. All right?

Help yourself to a little champagne.
Let's go.

That was a damn rat.

You ever touch another man again,
and I'll kill you.

You hear me?

Look at me. You hear me?

She was into it.
What's that about?

You seen the way she grabbed
the dude's head.

She had to. He was testing her.
Her ass is on the line, like ours.

You're feeling this girl
way too much.

She's like that trailer rat
from back in the day, Tanya.

Tanya? Man, you went out with her
after I did.

I couldn't let it go to waste.

I got you.

Is that right?

We go race for cash,
but when I step on the gas...

my nitrous go blast,
leave your ass in the past.

Tej, you about
to lose your garage.

Whatever, man.

I'm a low-budget mechanic,
but I overcharge.

Pay me! Let's go, man.

Pay me my money.

I'm glad you're happy.
This is my garage.

Royal flush. Give me this, man.

Talk to him.

Put that money back on the table.
You know it's mine next hand.

Jimmy, how're you gonna pay me back
if you keep losing to Tej like that?

I'm going to crash, Tej.
I'll catch you tomorrow.

What are you doing here?

They're gonna kill you. I heard him
telling Enrique and Roberto.

Once you finish the run, they're
putting a bullet in your head.

You sure you heard him right?

I'm sure.

Verone's boys is outside...

I see what they're looking for.
Your little girlfriend here.

- They don't know. I snuck out.
- What are they doing here then?

I don't know.
Maybe they're guessing.

Go stall them for,
like, two minutes.

Check her, homey.

Found what you're
looking for?

Hey, buddy. Hi, guys. How you doing?

Y'all still mad about y'all car?

Don't even trip.
Come on, man, can't you take a joke?

This isn't about being a good cop
or doing your job.

They're gonna kill you.
You gotta pull out.

Verone pay you
to keep a straight face like that?

'Cause if I was making money,
I'd remove that mole off my nose.

- Okay?
- Yeah.

How much he pay y'all anyway?

Every time I see y'all,
y'all got the silk shirts on...

jewellery, looking real Miami.

I caught you walking up in the club,
the hamburger meat all hanging out.

Don't make that run, Brian.

Be careful.

Where are you going?
You stay right here with us, buddy.

Don't even think about it.

Stay your ass off my homeboy's boat.

Put the gun down now!

You first, asshole!

I'll shoot the shit out of him!

Put down the gun!


Shut up.

It's over. Come on.

It's over. Let's go.

It's our gun. Come on, let's go.

I'm glad to see you boys
are getting along so well...

because tomorrow, Roberto and
Enrique'll be riding along with you.

Just so we don't have any problems.

I'll see you guys in a bit.

What the hell
was she doing in there?

Where'd you go this morning?

I went to breakfast
with some friends.

With friends?

I do have friends, Carter.


I'll see you later.

Nice shirt, Bilkins.

It's my day off.

Well, anyhow, this is the deal.

Last night, Verone threatened a cop
into giving us a window.

We're driving to an airstrip
in the Keys, off Nallwood Avenue.

Verone has a plane there
and he's taking off for good.

Wait a minute. How do you know this?


She's doing her job. She warned us.

She warned you about what?

Verone plans to kill us
after we give him the money.

Driving into an ambush
wasn't the deal. I'm calling it off.

Like hell you are.
This is a Customs case, Bilkins.

No one's calling this off
unless I do.

Look, this is real simple.

Make the run, get Verone and his
cash together, so I can move in.

You don't, I'll file enough charges
on you to make you disappear.

Take these.

We're gonna have GPS on you
so you don't get any cute ideas.

And to make sure
nothing happens to them, right?

Yeah, right.

That guy's a dick.

Let me get this right.

If we don't do this,
then we go to jail.

But if we do it,
then Verone's going to kill us.

- It's a hell of a deal, huh?
- Yeah.

Maybe it is.

This guy's got an ass full of loot
that he's ready to dump in our cars.

I can think of two reasons why
he doesn't need that money anymore.

Here we go.

You and me.

Just like the old days.

- What do you think?
- They messed with the wrong guys.

- Tej, what's up, bro?
- What's up?

How quickly can you organise?

Look, if y'all really want
to carry out this plan...

this is the best place to do it.
What do y'all think?

I think it's perfect.
So, what do they store here?

This thing is clean.

Distributor cap.

Jimmy, do we have any half-empty
bottles of nitrous lying around?

Sure, but I've already
loaded you for spray.

I'm thinking we may need it
for something else...

'cause our cars may get
a little crowded, you know?

When did you start eating so much?

I was in jail, bruh.

I know how shitty the grub is
on the inside.

The way things are shaping up
out here right now...

it'll be a matter of time
before I'm back in there, or dead.

So I'm trying to eat all I can
while I can.

Plus, the doctor tells me
I got a high metabolism.

You remember us growing up?

Playing Soccer in the dirt?

Getting into trouble.
All the stupid things we did?

When you got busted,
whether I was a cop or not...

if there was anything
I could have done...

I would have done it.

I just want you to know that.

Is that why
you let that dude go in L.A.?

Yeah, I think
that had a lot to do with it.

When I got busted...

it wasn't your fault.

It was all on me, Mr. Roman Pearce.

Wild and out. Crazy man.

No one could tell me nothing.

Riding solo.

Yeah, well, not anymore.

Not anymore, bro.

I've got Verone's Navigator
leaving the residence.


Sir, we've got Verone on the move
to the airstrip.

Let's get a bird in the air.
Tell him to keep his distance.

- Ready.
- Thanks.

- You're all set.
- Thanks.

- All set?
- Yeah. Let's do it.


What's going on
out there?

Team One, checking in.

- Team Two, checking in.
- Team Three, checking in.

Team Four,
all clear here, too.

Team Five, checking in.

Team Six, all clear.

- Here we go.
- Yeah, so you know what to do.

Stay cool. Keep focused.

Remember the airstrip's
off Nallwood Avenue.

It's the third exit
after the bridge.

Got it.

You ready for this?

Come on, man.
Guns, murderers, and crooked cops?

I was made for this, bruh!

Come on.

I got activity
at Verone's trailer property.

Do not move an inch
until I tell you to!

Load up.

All units...

move on the trailer property.
Right now! Move!

Shit. Local P.D.
is moving in on our guys.

- Three bags in one car?
- Guess so.

The cops.

I am not going back to jail.

Where are you going, man? Let's go!

What is he doing?

Now let's get the chopper over them.
I want eyes right on top.

You got it.

Lima 2-5...

follow GPS.

Do you know what you're doing?

Stay with me, Rome. Come on, man.

I've got them heading south
on I-95.

Bring in the aerial ESDs.

Oh, shit!

- They're catching up, man!
- Shut up, man!

Nice driving, Rome.

I got you, Brian.

Check it out!

What was that?

Oh, shit!

- Come on, man. Take the wheel.
- No. I can't drive.

Just hold the wheel!
Put your hands on it! Hold steady!

What are you doing, man?

Yeah, man!


Bilkins, the bird's in place.


We've got Verone's Navigator.

All right. Money's in transit.
Sit tight.

You're a good driver, man.

Thanks, bro.

We've got the area blocked ahead.
They've got nowhere to go.

What was that?

I've got a visual.

Video should be coming through.

I got it. Looks good.

Where are they going?


All right, Miami's finest,
let's see what you got.

Come on. Stay with me, boys.

Hey, man, everyone's here.
Time for the show.

Let's give it to them.

All right, let the party begin.
Let's go!

This is unit 25-99.
We have the suspects surrounded.

Holy shit!

It's a scramble, baby! A big one!

Yeah! Let's do this!

Check this out.

We're not tracking them
on the video.

We must have lost them
in the scramble.

Yo, let's break.


All right, we got them going west
on Beach.

Roger that! I've got them!

Customs has a fix on two cars
going west on Beach.

Roger. Follow those cars.

Roger that.


They're cornered.

Keep your hands
where I can see them!

Hands up!

I know my tags are out of date,
but damn.

What the hell?

Where are they?

How about them apples, man?

Yeah! That's some driving
for your ass, baby!

Good job, man.

- What are you talking about?
- Whatever.

You're supposed to be
a stone-faced killer!

You were grabbing your seat belt!

Hey, Tej, thanks a lot, bro.
You're clutch. I owe you big time.

Yeah, Brian, you really do owe me.
You really do...


Suki says you owe us, all right?

- Rome, you there? Come in.
- What's up, man?

Looks like we got
just one trick left.

My pleasure, buddy!
Let's do it, baby!

Maybe we should grab Verone
while we still can.

No! Not yet!


You lost them?


Those little pricks are running!

It's your call.
What do you want to do?

We're gonna take him down.
He is not leaving here.

Enjoying the ride?

It's a fast car, huh?

It's a classic. Old school.

American muscle.

This car can do all kinds of things.
Want to see?

Check this out right here, homey.

Hey, what are you doing,

Ejecto seato!

It worked! I love this button!

Stay on your toes!

Mr. O'Conner, it worked!
Blow and go. I'm all clear.

Meet me at the point!
Hurry up! It's on!

All right. 10-4, man.

Are you ready? Let's go!

Let me see your hands!



- It's not Verone and Fuentes.
- What do you mean?

Then where the hell are they?

Get off at Tarpon Point.

Tarpon Point?
There's no airstrip at Tarpon Point.

Who said anything about an airstrip?


What's the hold-up, bro?

Yo. There's a new plan.
What the hell?

We meet him at Tarpon Point exit,
not the airstrip.

- So, what are you saying?
- Like I said, there's a new plan.


Brian? Hello, you there?


What the hell is he doing?

The feds are in the wrong place.

Brian's woman is on her own
with Verone.


So Brian's not coming!

- Let him out.
- Get out.

Pop the trunk.

Hurry up.

Where's the rest?

- The other car.
- Another car?

- Where's the other car?
- On its way.

- On the way?
- Yeah.

Here's your money.

So you know nothing about the agents
that stormed my jet?

The funny thing is, I only told
one person about the airstrip.

Customs agents sure
are getting pretty, aren't they?

Put her on the boat.

- Let's go.
- Get on the boat.

Hide the cars and get rid of him.

Back in the car.

End of the road.

You know, I like you.

But I still got to kill you.
It's my job.

What's that?

It's Barstow, baby!

It's about to get ugly!

Let's go.

Come on.

You had me.

You slipped.

Eleven and a half months,
and you slipped once.

Put her downstairs.

See you in a second.

I thought you was dead.

Me, too. Thanks for saving my ass.

What are you doing?

If Verone sees a helicopter
or Customs boat, she's dead!


Car. Boat.

You're not gonna do
what I think you're gonna do?

- Yeah, I think so. You got my back?
- Yeah.

All right, put on the seat belt.

Show him some Dukes of Hazzard shit!

We're gonna do this big!
Hold on, Rome!

Brian, you're crazy, man!

What the hell are you doing?

I think I broke my arm.

Get the gun.

It's over, Carter.

You okay?


I'm great.

We got him, man.

We got him. Let's get out of here.

Go, go.

That ought to do it.

So, there were three bags total?
The three from the boat?

So we're good, right?

Our records are clean?

You held up your end.

Your records are clean.

So maybe there were six bags.

I guess we can call it even.

Agent Dunn?

We found some more evidence.

Let's take it inside.

Don't drop the soap, big homey.

I hope you know when he gets out,
he's going to kill your ass.

He ain't getting out.

I'll see you soon.

- You think he's going to get out?
- He'll be out.

Not for real.
You think he's getting out?

We took care of your decoys.
They're free and clear.

There's a sedan
out on the road for you.

Try to bring it back in one piece.

Thanks a lot, Bilkins.
You're all right.

Thanks for looking out.

Do you trust me now?

You're all right.


Nice working with you, O'Conner.

Same here.

I might have to stay here in Miami,
and keep you out of trouble, bruh.

You know what I'm talking about.

You're going to kick it
in Miami?

I love Miami.
Miami is off the hook!

Open a garage together.

A garage?
How are we going to do that?

Pockets ain't empty, cuz.

And we ain't hungry
no more, right?
Posted 6 months ago
Wow thank you for the post.

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