Doesn't Emporium Imvu work?

by PeAnDoCe · 23 posts
1 year ago in Help & Support
Posted 1 year ago
@Don Von Alpha Dom
they disc for anyone new to signup
Posted 1 year ago
Except wanting to see hidden creator catalog & the outfit database because so much outfit scanned over the years with HOV. We can do the same thing as findvu now for free and no vip needed using competitors site. (Yes, those that buy vip, thinking no one will can steal there outfit, wast money.) I'm curious to see how findvu will manage keep vip subscribers with the change they have done and again competitors around.
Last time there was a competitor, the public way the site was using to do it got suddenly fixed 1-2 month after by imvu and not working anymore... :tlasuspicious:
Posted 1 year ago

the other competitors i was able to find were either no longer in service or just stole findvu's thingy....oh and there's cybervu but u have to pay in order to use it :/ so far the only free competitor that works rn is vusniper so i've been using that for the room history...but i honestly prefer findvu's version better tbh.
Posted 1 year ago
it's what i do, cybervu + vusniper. i will agree that findvu have the advantage you can scan and update instantly while vusniper you can just see what there automatic bot found, ( room historic & outfit ) but if they improve their tools... everything will change. of course it's not the same budget to have a system that auto scan when you ask.

but in any case, the more competition there is, the better it is for the consumer. Forces all sites to improve in order to remain competitive... Let's see what they will do in the future.
Posted 1 year ago

There are faster competitors. I’m not exactly s competitor since my stuff is an API that concludes of (name, room and outfit history) it has an efficient algorithm that allows it to scan every room with every participant on IMVU every minute. I see that my tracker is able to find almost everyone every minute in every room. but I don't release it so beware there are definitely goos trackers but I think most of them keep them private like me.

it just depends on how it's built. i see vusniper only does 25 minute intervals?

By not being a competitor I mean: Me not publishing it into the open wild. Since it’s raw json that is convenient for developers and not for the general public eye. Only handful of 3 people have access to mine.
Posted 9 months ago
Does not working? It won’t load for me…
Posted 9 months ago
vusniper no longer exists

@Don Von Alpha Dom

sounds like they got bumped off. you cant just say they dont exist. little more info please
Posted 9 months ago

VuSniper wasn't bumped off. They were a front for a blockchain selling scheme, and when the blockchain failed to make money, they shut down the front. I know, because the owner of VuSniper was going around looking for other IMVU related businesses to buy into their blockchain. We were one of the first sites they came to and we declined. It was expensive and difficult to buy into ... very little profit, and I'm glad we didn't ... considering they shut down after only a couple of months of operation.
Posted 9 months ago
Oh and what about provur? any update on that? it suddenly says they are under maintenance but they never reopened. The site still exists but we cannot still use the tools tho.

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