What to do when...

by Axtor · 8 posts
4 months ago in Off Topic
Posted 4 months ago · Author
What to do when a girl plays hard to get?
Posted 4 months ago
simple, just look for other girls, as the phrase says the sea is full of fish, then get another fish :p
Posted 4 months ago
Show off without being direct, that way you wont seem miserable for her and you'll be able to show off what makes you special.
I wouldnt give up too fast tho 1 week or 2 max when youre in the phase of trying to become partners, i would never do it for more than a Month since she will probably have lost interest by then.
Posted 4 months ago

hahaha, said it all
Posted 3 months ago
When they play hard to get you just go talk to their friend. Lol i know it’s sounds crazy but a lot of guys do it, i know a lot of my friends do. No women who plays hard to get will stay with you. You’ll have to keep chasing them. When a chick that you want thinks your attractive, it won’t be too hard to communicate with them. So, don’t be out here chasing, there’s plenty fish in the sea and ones that look way better.
Posted 3 months ago
The age-old phenomenon of the "hard to get" girl! When a girl seems to be playing it cool, distant, or even unknowingly, it can be frustrating and exciting all at once. Here are some tips on what to do when a girl gets hard to get:

Don't overthink it: Try not to overanalyze the situation. Remember that people can be unpredictable, and sometimes their behavior is not necessarily about you.
Give her space: Respect her boundaries and give her the space she needs. If she's pulling away, it's likely because she's unsure or overwhelmed. Don't push for more attention or try to convince her to stay in touch.
Don't take it personally: It's easy to take her behavior as a personal rejection, but try not to. She might be going through a tough time, or simply not feeling ready for a relationship.
Keep your cool: If you feel like you're being ignored or dismissed, try not to get defensive or angry. This will only make things worse.
Communicate openly: If you feel like there's a disconnect, try having an open and honest conversation with her about how you're feeling. Be respectful and non-accusatory, but express your thoughts and feelings.
Focus on yourself: Use this time to focus on yourself and your own interests. Pursue hobbies, spend time with friends, or take up a new activity. This will help you grow as a person and keep your mind off the situation.
Don't play games: Avoid playing games like ignoring her or pretending like nothing's wrong. This can lead to a power struggle and make things more complicated.
Be patient: If you're interested in her, be patient and let things unfold naturally. Don't rush into anything or try to force a connection.
Pay attention to body language: Observe her body language and nonverbal cues. If she's consistently avoiding eye contact, crossing her arms, or turning away, it may be a sign that she's not interested.
Move on: If things don't work out, don't be afraid to move on. There are plenty of other amazing people out there who might be a better match for you.
Remember that every person is unique, and what works for one situation might not work for another. Trust your instincts and focus on being the best version of yourself.
Posted 3 months ago
First off make sure she's playing hard to get, she might be simply not interested.

If she is and that frustrates you too much, just let her be. Not worth it, and it might even pay off making her look for you. If you can take it, play along. The teasing can make it much more fun eventually.
Posted 3 months ago
Always fish in the sea, if there isn’t any, try the nursery home pools

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