Imvu Followers

by wrathdylan · 2 posts
7 months ago in Help & Support
Posted 7 months ago · Author
I can’t be the only one who’s confused on how some people non imvu have like 100k followers 10k followers, i only have 748, is there some sorta secret, or a website where you can buy imvu followers?It feels virtually impossible to grow your following fast on imvu . unless your a woman of course, it’d be a little easier. if anyone knows if there is a glitch, cheat or website to get your imvu followers up. i’m really interested in seeing my profile with a mass following so my account can look way nice on the eyes when you clear on my account
Posted 7 months ago

I don't know about buying followers, it took me a few years to get what I have, advertising my items on pulse, in posts, liking everything and everyone and they start following us from there. Today, every 3rd day they follow me on average. What I find even stranger is that a follow appears today and two days later the account disables it, haha

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