love on imvu

by sassy · 10 posts
14 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 14 years ago · Author
love how yall feel about imvu dating :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Posted 14 years ago
hmmm sometimes it goes much deeper then imvu allows .. then u need to think about things and allow it go more deeper .. dating dont exist on imvu ..
Posted 14 years ago
we all need three things from our loved ones ... flash blood and soul ... or in other words .. body, passion and love,
we can get love and passion but not body on imvu ... all these three things and only these three things are needed in life, as long as two are enjoying they are doing right thing .. as soon as it get not enough .. they need to give more and get closer ... love isnt sacrefice its completly opposite ... and happyness isnt way or road .. its choise ... enough from me its 10 36 here in my place .. soon we celebrate new years *AGAIN* replay :alien:
Posted 4 years ago
I like it, specially in this days during covid 19
Posted 3 years ago
i dont mind it...i mean it's a game so people can do whatever they want!
Posted 11 months ago
Dating on imvu isn't too great. People easily cheat on each other and guys on imvu mainly just want sex.
Posted 2 months ago
I feel like it is a good time killer because you are devoting your time to one person and you could probably figure out how to date a person better and treat them better if you do do this, but it is not a good way to actaully date date someone because it is distance relationships and well you can have love in person and you can only watch avi touch each other with avi online or show nudes if they cool witht that but pls dont do that because they might be leaked and you might be blackmailed
Posted 1 month ago
finding love in this world is a beautful thing no matter how or where you find it. but let be honest love is hard no matter if is around the corner or thru a screen
it must be worked at it must be honest it must be cared for. and the more things between you and your loved one just makes it harder.
so just do your best and hope and pray for the best. because love is worth fighting for. but you will fail more times then not. so good luck all.hope you do better then i have, bright blessing to all.

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