Torture anonymous readers

by Rahvasaadik · 46 posts
16 years ago in Social Games

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No, this sucks! 22%
Yes, it's awesome! 78%
Posted 15 years ago
Well... I will have the diner with that person in particulary... after a time i'll stick a fork in his/her hands so s/he can't live. then i'll make some marks on his/her face with a knife and lick the blood that comes out. then i think i might take out his/her nails with pliers, after i'd take out his/her skin so his/her muscles can see [from the inside :drool: :twisted: ] and then i'll infuse some sulfuric acid on his/her skin... oh i forgot, S/HE DOESN'T HAVE SKIN ANYMORE :twisted: anyway i'd still infuse the sulfuric acid. then i might put some salt too XD for better feeling. theeen i'll use the chinese drop torture. and i have to stop here 'cuz i'll go crazy one day if i'll tell more stories of this kind hahahah :lol:
Posted 14 years ago
hmm... i would stick bamboo under their fingernails and let it grow so they would be in excruciating pain..use the judas cradle and slam them so hard onto it that i split them 3 new assholes..then i would band them up with thorns and vines letting the thorns cut at their skin thus throwing sand at the wounds.. stripping them naked and licking the deep cuts and using razors to cut them deeper.. looking at this persons body wither i throw him/her onto the ground and make them kiss my feet after using all of these death devices (:<.. oh wait im not done yet.. afterwords the body lays on the ground as it starts to rot.. i feast and feast until there is nothing but bone and fat left feeding my hunger for disgusting human flesh :D
Posted 14 years ago
Hmmmm.... >D

I would~

1. Slowly Remove every-one of their finger and toenails, Than pour salt over them.

2. Put leeches on their eyeballs while injecting them with a Hemotoxic venom but be sure to keep them alive.

4. Get a bucket full of hungry, Excite rats by fire than block their path with the victim's stomach so they would have to burrow through their flesh. :D

5. Hang the victim upside down by their heels with their hands tied behind their back and slowly saw them in-half, Starting from between their legs.

6. Place them in an Iron-Maiden, Which is a small space but armed with spikes that slowly drive deeply into their eye(s) chest and back.

7. Feed them enough Milk and Honey they get severe diarrhea, Than apply honey to their groin and the armpits before the victim's vessel was set adrift in a stagnant pond. The diarrhea and the honey would attract insects, which fed off of the victim and eventually began to breed from within their flesh.

8. Slowly drive over them with a very heavy truck.

9. Push them into a hose nossel thing which would fill their head with water untill it exploded.

And no, Not to the same person... Cause they would eventually die within the first few tortures, Probably at number 4, If not than #5 for sure. Just different techniques. Mwuahahahahahaha x3
Posted 14 years ago
2 words: ban them

lol :p
Posted 11 years ago
It's not uncommon that Game of Thrones gets accused of being torture porn — senseless, objectifying violence combined with senseless, objectifying sexual imagery — but it is rare that I can whole heartedly agree that it is torture porn. For the most part, the violence in Game of Thrones tends to serve a purpose (the nudity, slightly less so, but — hey — it's not TV, it's HBO). Ned Stark needed to lose his head so the story could continue; seeing Ros impaled with arrows like Saint Sebastian (though many of you may disagree with me here) actually said something about how disposable women are in Westeros; even the scene with Theon getting his finger flayed from the muhfuckin' bone had a point. This week, however, the show managed to teeter over the thin line that they've drawn for themselves and fall onto the wrong side. The violence became meaningless, exhausting and on top of all that, they managed to add boobs and some anachronistic pubic hair. Cool.
Posted 11 years ago
Tie them to a chair, and force them to watch endless hours of some pointless show that they really hate. Then start singing Henry the 8th to them, off key of course. Then start reading your 5 year old's journal to them about how they ate a worm, or watched a marathon of that same pointless show that you forced the person to watch in the first place.

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