Introducing myself

by Cheeky · 3 posts
14 years ago in Introductions
Posted 14 years ago · Author
My names Beth
Not Bethany, Bethan, Elisabeth or anyhing like that. :] Im 14, and live in England

Skills, skills....Well, i know more about computers than my mum. If that helps. :DD
I'm quite good at drawing...And clothes design, but that proberbly doesnt do any good.

Well, thats it from me :)

Ta ta

Posted 14 years ago
Welcome to the family.

My father did not know how to start a computer, so I guess you're good. lol
Posted 14 years ago
Miss Beth,
I'm 60 and still go to my 13 year old grandson for help. So I know what you are talking about. I just wanted to tell you to play safe on IMVU. Block, if you feel threatend. Do not answer chat invites if it's not from a friend (the old "Never talk to strangers"). But have fun. My IMVU (and rl) ladyfriend both have grandkids your age, so if you run into us on there, don't be afraid to say hi. We both try to look out for people your age.
Your "Grandpa",

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