Would you rather?

by Rahvasaadik · 528 posts
16 years ago in Social Games

Do you like this forum game?

No, this sucks! 10%
Yes, it's awesome! 90%
Posted 14 years ago
Be the bullie. I don't want to be bullied. u_u

Would you rather listen to Lady Gaga or Taylor Swift?
Posted 14 years ago
Lady Gaga.

Would you rather be addicted to weed or meth?
Posted 14 years ago

would you rather use guns or knives?
Posted 14 years ago
I will use knives,I need them more than guns...but WHAT DO YOU GET FROM CARRYING a knive or a gun ?
Its just cause deaths and tears and suffering by friends and family
We up to 28 deaths by gun or knife violence in only 2008 at the mininum :cry:
*we dont need deaths STOP NO MORE*

Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
Posted 14 years ago
forget who i am - so i can rediscover myself

Would you rather use wifi or a cable?
Posted 14 years ago
Indiandawg wrote:

would you rather use guns or knives?

Ewww. Meth Makes you ugly though... Weed only makes you hungry.....

WiFi of course.

Burning to death OR being buried alive?
Posted 14 years ago
burning to death

Cloud strife or Zack fair?
Posted 14 years ago
Zack fair :sillywink: :wink:

Would you rather be forced to tell your best friend a lie or tell your parents the truth?
Posted 14 years ago
parents the truth

Would you rather die and be loved or live and be hated?
Posted 14 years ago
I would rather die and be loved by someone( I want even a single person to think of me and when he/she will reminds me , he/she will have a beautiful smile on his/her face...) I don't want people to hate me and to avoid me when the will saw me.

Would you rather give up your computer or your pet?

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