Dragon Age: Origins

by DaGal · 15 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
<img src="http://www.gamerdna.com/public/images/xd/covers/drg400/g409/g40928m9dyh.jpg" alt="Ooops, the pic is gone O__o">

Name: Dragon Age: Origins
Developers: BioWare for PC, Edge of Reality for consoles.
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Role Playing (Single player only)
(First) Release Date: November 3, 2009
Engine: Eclipse
Music composer: Inon Zur (I love his style lol)
System requirements:
    Operating system: Windows XP, Vista, 7
    CPU: Intel Core 2 1,4 GHz or AMD X2 1,8 GHz (Intel Core 2 1,6 GHz or AMD X2 2,2 GHz for Vista AND SEVEN)
    RAM: 1GB (1'5 GB for Vista AND SEVEN)
    Free space: 15'1 GB
    Video Card: ATI Radeon X850 128 Мб или NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128 Мб (Radeon X1550 256 Mb or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256 Mb for Vista AND SEVEN)

Well, this is a game I completed some days ago, and wanted to know what do you think about it.
My main impression is: GOD D*MN THIS GAME IS SO F... LONG! But I did it 8)
Posted 14 years ago
This game is really good for nearly ANYONE that likes RPGs, mainly because it's multi-platform and can give anyone the feel they want while playing it.

I'd also like to mention that it is also available on the Xbox 360 & Playstation 3.

I own this game myself, but I've been to preoccupied with other games to start it yet, besides the first 3 hours.

So the verdict is: ANYONE who likes RPGs should at least rent this game and play it. Although it's so long you would have to rent it so many times just to finish it, you would end up paying more renting than you would to buy it, because it's apparently pretty addictive.
Posted 14 years ago
Ive actually heard alot of good things about this game, but havent had the chance to play the game myself, Would like to, but cant at the moment, could you two tell me what the whole game is about and if it is actually worth getting, not just getting it from peer pressure, just want some insight of the game beforhand
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Well, there's a fantastic medieval world, with magic, creatures and all this stuff... And there're also some bad guys, called the Darkspawn, most of them looking like orcs and goblins, that come from below the ground... [think it as about hell and demons :lol: ]

There are some periods of time, called Blights, and when a Blight is on, an Archidemon takes control of all the Darkspawn and rises to... to conquer the world, maybe? Really idk, I only know they destroy and spread chaos xDDD

But there are also good guys, called the Grey Wardens. They are some sort of knights, formed mostly by humans [but they are not racist :lol: ], with warriors and mages. They've taken an oath that their lives must be used to fight against the Darkspawn, and their duty is to stop the Blight when it's Blight time.

The game also has his own religion, that is similar to medieval Christianity, though I didn't pay much atention to it [my character was an atheistic badass :twisted: ]

There are six [I think] different starts, depending on your race, your sex and your profession. All the game is a free story where all your desicion bring consequences, and there are also many endings, dependin of the way you followed in the game.

The combat and gameplay system is a bit difficult for someone not used to rpg games, because it's based in turns, and you have to pause the game and make up a strategy for every turn...
Posted 14 years ago
Sounds like a pretty good game just based off that discription, Ill be sure to check it out soon to try the game out first hand, maybe I will like it more than I know ^^

Thanks for suming up the game and giving me that insight DaGal ^^
Posted 14 years ago
xBusted wrote:

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Posted 14 years ago
I didn't play these game but i thing i'l give him a chance i heard is good
Posted 14 years ago
I played this game, until my disk broke. This game was GREAT. Customization, the choices you make, and the characters are believable....(at least believable enough for a fantasy world)

I dunno, there is something special about killing cultists and blowing things up with magic, or getting in random fights with dwarves and shit, lol
Posted 14 years ago
Damn that game take a long to complite I even need to start ower 2 times lol

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