Poetry - Love

by Logan · 24 posts
14 years ago in Casual Dating Tips
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Here you can post your own Poems but keep the topic Love xD

Here's mine


You ,you've taken my heart away,
there aint nothing left to say
jus want it to stay this way,
and hey to the lord i pray
give me my angel, so i want u to stay

Be my angel, be my butterfly,
take my hand and pull me to the sky
coz i jus wanna be with you, jus wanna make you see
baby you gotta Be with me, coz thats our destiny

I have killed, I have sinned, all of which i do recall
with but a touch of your blessed wings i'll forget it all
help me leave all of this behind, be my salvation
In your heart let me reside cuz that my destination.

Be my angel, be my butterfly,
take my hand and pull me to the sky
coz i jus wanna be with you, jus wanna make you see
baby you gotta Be with me, coz thats our destiny

Be my angel, be my butterfly,
take my hand and pull me to the sky

and umm yeah i wrote this for someone hope she'll like it :awesome33:
Posted 14 years ago

I never expected something so beautiful could come from Logan.
~can not wait to see what he writes next~

I wrote this for my girlfriend 1 year ago for our anniversary:

When Two Eyes Meet

Eye see the melted iris
That lies beneath the ice
Eye see the raging goddess
In all her fearsome vice
Eye feel the rushing pumping blood

So lightly eye look into your eye,
Can't see me stealing longing visions
Which make my retinas fly
Eye loose all self possession
When my eye meets your eye

Every time my eye meets yours,
Across the chaos of the nation
Your eyes my eyes shall rape,
Your eyes are mine to passion
It's more than eye can take

Eye wants to take out your eye
They can watch the sun fall in
Eye'll undress you with my psyche
Eye'll kneel to all your sin
Fighting off the slumber
Till tired eye lids win
Casting down all light, spectacles within

Every time eye start to dream
They are your eyes that eye see
Holding in my vision with your sexy gazing beam
Straining pupils beating glee
Submerging deep blue sapphires
Into my dark green trees

So if you possess an admiration
To be serve me ever loyally
To be owned without discretion
To be loved eternally
Via eyes truly sweet
Take sight of our true Love
And let our two eyes meet
Posted 14 years ago
What's happening between us
I really can't explain.
I want to be with you
But I don't want to risk all the pain.

I met you through a friend.
Then I got to know you better.
We started talking more,
And I even wrote a letter.

Then one day,
I told you how I felt
And how everything you did
Just made my heart melt.

Now things are happening
That I never thought would.
But things just feel so right
And so good.

What I feel now
Seems just so right,
And it's getting
Really hard to fight.

So now we have to figure out
Just what we're going to do.
But until then,
I can only think of you.

Theres nothing to be afraid of
the only thing your scared of, is love

Let me through so i can guide you
And make all your dreams come true

Your locked inside, with everything to hide
I want to be a part of you, Heart,soul and mind

My feelings for you will never change
I know this for you, is strange

I want you to trust me, why can’t you see
The only thing I care about, is you and me

Let me be the one, to take care of you
While we experience the old and new

I don’t know what I can say, to make you feel this way
Just..Let me be the one
Posted 14 years ago
I gave this to my wife on our 10 month aniversery:

(Loving Then, Loving Now):

Ten months to this night, I met the absolute love of life.
This night I love you always.
Ten months to this night, I met the only girl worthy of fruit.
This night I be bitten from you.
Ten months to this night, I met the moon’s true light.
This night I bask in your warmth.
Ten months to this night, I met the charmer of snakes.
This night I dance to your melody.
Ten months to this night, I met the reason for living.
This night I live to serve you.
Ten months to this night, I met the pinnacle of sexy.
This night I find you even more attractive.
Ten months to this night, I met the voice that melts.
This night I am putty in your hands.
Ten months to this night, I met the celebrity of all fantasies.
This night I dream of pleasuring that star.
Ten months to this night, I met the professor of role playing.
This night I play by your rules.
Ten months to this night, I met the mistress.
This night I honor your passion.
I worshiped you then; I worship you now; I will not let you down.
Posted 14 years ago
wow .. you guys are gifted
you should be so proud of ur selves
Posted 14 years ago
Thank you Eile :)

This one is a little graphical, so please do not read if your ears are innocent and your heart is pure:

I Remember

I remember the first passions of love that brought us together
Affections for biting that secured us bound forever
Feelings which eternally feed my core
With hopes and dreams of dragging you down to the floor

I remember the first sacrifices of love that procured us together
Gifts of my fruit that leashed us bound forever
Surprises for you around every corner
With hopes and dreams of slamming you down on my boner

I remember the first adventures of love that advanced us together
Plays for the mind that wrapped us bound forever
Roles which emerged our deepest desires
With hopes and dreams of holding you down with barbed wires

I remember the first sights of love that reassured us together
Beauty unmatched in strength that tied us bound forever
Pictures of you studied and treasured
With hopes and dreams of stuffing you through nights unmeasured

I remember the first escapades of love that pleasured us together
Orgasms of plenty which fused us bound forever
Vibrations and strokes brought forth emissions
With hopes and dreams of fucking you in every position

I Remember

btw, this one was for my mistress too
Posted 14 years ago
Nice poems guys.. =D> =D> =D>
i have alot of poems.. but in romanian
Posted 14 years ago

It seemed that everywhere I look there are couples holding hands, laughing, engaging in something off-hand and intimate. The pairing off was ongoing. As the Ark was once again imminent, looming…

His enthusiasm for his fellows is limited, finite. And when it evaporated, I register what I've came to call "The Stink Off the Swamp." And when the smell would come, when his ability to be with others almost happily would end, I simply try to hightail it out of his sight. If you're caught in his sight once the stink comes, you could see the critical light go on behind his eyes. He is a solitary man who comes among us from time to time to favor us with his presence. But in the end he wanders back to his one-some, leaving us in his watchful wake, reeling.

Having as he did a solitary life, eventually his use for others ebbs, then run dry. And when the dryness sets in, I have to get out, though I frequently miscalculate and get contaminated in the chaff of his disfavor, then I sense that I had somehow done wrong. I had either spoken too loudly or too much, arrived too late, overslept, watched too much TV, received or made too many phone calls, had too many friends, so-called friends who called too much. I used to say that when he answered the phone and it was for me, he looked at me as if she had just shot a someone in his living room.

I don't know why people love each other sometimes. Maybe it was simply that if you were ready, there was an opening and somebody walked through it, getting into your system, his pheromones mingling with yours, and suddenly you're undone and only that somebody can put you together again. You grow toward his sunlight, live according to his law. You're strung to his tuning, come to his dog whistle that no one else can hear. And all because your ever-closed flower was open that day when his sunlight poured into you and you haven't been able to grow towards anyone else since (or ever again). It's unfair, it's inconvenient, demeaning, dependent, inane. I am now ever-after obedient to the fact of him, a whim of his, a heat he had. Obedient and bowed.

He thinks that if he can get someone to love him, then he doesn't have to love them anymore. Love for him is a one-sided thing- having to do with pursuit and entrapment- not a state of rest. Once someone loves him, he thinks his job is done, and he must move on. It was as if he largely loves only in order to be loved. The great thing, the essential thing about him was that I can never win him entirely. I once said to him, "I want to win you over." To which he replied, "Hon, you won me a long time ago."

All I ever wanted from him was his approval- a thing he is incapable of giving. Consistently. Enthusiastically. Genuinely. And confusing love with approval as he did, it has became an endless arena for him to act out his dysfunctionality in. Regardless, I will love him until he visibly approves of me, regardless- will love him forever.

"You seek too much approval," he informed me. "I'm not a person that over praises. I don't bullshit. You can really believe it when I give a compliment. I stand by my word..."

"I've only known on some level that you care," I said, "even if I don't actually see it."

"Of course I care. Besides, how can you trust what you can't see?" he asked. "Someone wearing their feelings all out in the open like that? I'll never trust that..."

"No," I replied sadly, knowing I was only agreeing to end the conversation.

Since I will probably never feel loved anyway, it is a lot easier to feel that it is a result of his behavior toward me, rather than some deficit in myself. But finally, however indirectly I perceived it, he is my biggest problem...

I look mournfully at the empty space left behind. And think, "don't ask for more or you'll get less than you have already. Don't rock the boat." But then, what boat am I on if I can't ask for anything?

The love boat.

I now sit out at the other end of the world, IN HIS WORLD, yet still an outcast from Loveland, an exile from Loveland. Banished. I have given up and find myself on the other side of that decision, longing to go back with him under the shade of any conditions...

My insides feel jumbled and dark. Over the years when I've felt like this, I have written my way out of the darkness, untangled this jumble with my pen, scratching my itch out in ink. Why now does it feel so different? Should it feel different? Or is this all the same- something I'm used to...

I have something for you.
I don't know what it is, but it knows itself and it knows you. It waits for you. It's yours, I think.
I noticed it soon after I noticed you.
It fought its way across my life and lay in waiting for some way you are, something you say, a heat you have.
This thing knows you, it names you, it longs to be near you.
Oh, I tried to give it a piece of my mind, but it ate that piece and smiled.
It has me and it wants you.
I drive it around, try to lull it to sleep, but it refuses to listen to the strange music of reason.
Instead, it sings your praises, looks for you in other people's faces.
Recalls you, involves me.
It's all very distressing.
I have something for you.
A big corny thing with me inside it, stunned, waiting for the shoe to drop.
A thing for you that has taken me hostage
and asked for you
In ransom.
It made me write this note...

As I finish and pretend to feel much relieved, having gotten this parcel of words off my chest, from out behind my chest where it was lurking in this garden of the horrible flower.

I simply wait now, for the truth of my predicament to be reviled to me. An un-mistakable insight to bubble from below, and into my brain.
Posted 14 years ago
You guys can do that very well :) i know do 2 but in portuguese xD in English its a litlle bit more difficult for me x.x * btw i've liked very much ^^
Posted 14 years ago
Nice work. I have a lot of poems from when I was little XD. I'll be ashamed to post them in here :D Forgive meee -puppy eyes-

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