Help, my IMVU ficked up O.O

by LittleToxicMissTox · 4 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
I try to get onto my IMVU account on the browser.. This is what I get:

IMVU.echoDialog = function(el, s gascript type="text/ja"id_uscript"> IMVU.echoDialog = ftype=""id_dy i /* Ad;ype=""id_if (> Iof _gatd_up'AHOO.util')date_eccccccccc /* Ad = _gat._getT /* Ad("UA-30366-2 alte_eccccccccc /* Ad. IMVU.echoDialog = ftype=""id_____oose an e_uGC(l,n,s)date_ecccccccccccc// ob; a Ste _avata mon/ng of key= Ste pairste_eccccccccccccif (!l || l=p 1:|| !n:|| n=p 1:|| !s:|| s=p 1) "-";te_eccccccccccccdy ii,i2,i3,tio-";te_ecccccccccccci=l.le="wOf(n);te_ecccccccccccci3=n.le="wOf("=")+1;te_eccccccccccccif (i > -1)date_eccccccccccccccci2=l.le="wOf(s,i);cif (i2 <0> IMVU.echoDialog = ftype=""id_if (> /* Ad)date_eccccccccconclick=''''''''''''' /* Ad. resp(alte_ecccccccccccccgrabReferrtil.;c//Ugrab moferrti infoonclick='''''} catch(idget}cte_eccccc}onclick='hitype="te''''''''''''''''ck='hscript"> IMVU.echoDialog = ftype=""id__________qopshes =ate_ecccccccccccccqacct:"p-8fZNjMQsH1Ews"te_eccccccccccccc}lte_eccccccccchitype="te''''''''''''uscript"> IMVU.echoDialog = function(el, uedge.quantal_ue quant 'dad" class="yu dy i abs > abs[t]lte_eccccccccc ab ('arnav e_echnts mo.ecovte_alte_eccccc}oncli}altoncli.get("update_echo_dialog").st"nav_subnavpdad" class="yu e_ec nav/basmunit-sam"); } ("nav_mainnav_basmunit- alte_eccccc nav/shopp/ng am"); } ("nav_mainnav_shopp/ng alte_eccccc subnav/basmunit-sam"); } ("nav_subnav_basmunit- alte_eccccc subnav/shopp/ng am"); } ("nav_subnav_shopp/ng alte_eccccc subnav/b"updassam"); } ("nav_subnav_b"updas alte_eccccc subnav/developerssam"); } ("nav_subnav_developers alte_ec}alt}altohitype="texu!--[if lt IE 7], el, userConfig); }; .get("update_echo_dialog").st"skinlogo-ites_e pngFixaltnstructor.c![g.ref]-- n_loser",
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WTF? O.o Whats happening?[/quote]
Posted 14 years ago · Author
nvm, its not doing that any more. I just closed my browser and opened it again, and it wasn't there. But still, was that a glitch? Or was I being h4c|<7d or something like that?
Posted 14 years ago
~reads through the code~

8 lines of code

line 1: this is the javascript for a google ad
line 2: this is the CSS for the blue bars found at the top of all IMVU pages
line 3: this looks like XML containing IMVU's background image and an error message
line 4: this seems to be XML with a bit of your account information in it
line 5: XML telling weather you are a dev or not
line 6: empty IMVU server info
line 7: XML containing info for building IMVU's navigation bar
line 8: Same as line 7, followed by another google ad and IMVU's lower information navigation bar

All together..., it looks like IMVU's server just spit out allot of useless information at you
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Something like that. I just freaked out, because it did that two times.. But then it stopped.

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