For the Bored Game

by Kaori · 87 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago · Author
I was almost about to fall asleep today at school whenever I thought of this game.
It's pretty boring (in my opinion) but maybe some of you will like it. :)
Basically, what you do is post a sentence starting with "I'm so bored..."
The next person will state a reason why the person above him/her shouldn't do that & then post a I'm so bored... sentence of their own.

Player #1: I'm so bored...maybe I'll try killing myself.

Player #2: Don't do that, your life will be even more boring if you kill yourself.

I'm so bored...maybe I should write a story that's 1,000 pages long.

And so on, to start it off:

I'm so bored...maybe I should try digging to China.
Last edited by Kaori on Fri Mar 05, 2010 3:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posted 14 years ago
Don't do that. The connection there isn't very good. xD

I'm so bored... maybe I should sleep whole day :?
Posted 14 years ago · Author
You shouldn't, something interesting may pop up while you're asleep. :D

I'm so bored...maybe I should start filling out random surveys for credits.
Posted 14 years ago
You could do something funner instead. lol

I'm so bored I'll restart my comp for fun. lmao
Posted 14 years ago · Author
I think you shouldn't, once I turned off my laptop and it took it an hour to reboot.

I'm so bored, I feel like going to the North Pole.
Posted 14 years ago
You shouldn't go there. It's waaaay too cold.
I'm so bored... I think I'll take all the cats on the streets into my house and play with them.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Don't, they'll tear up your house.

I'm so bored, maybe I should make a new avi pic.
Posted 14 years ago
You shouldn't. Just cause.

I'm so bored, I think I'll go eat a pie :D
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Maybe it'll be poisonous! :hehe:

I'm so bored...maybe I should eat a piece if paper.
Posted 14 years ago
Use it to write down awesome free credit methods you find on the web! :O

I'm so bored... I could eat a pig, even though I don't eat mammals

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