by 20rugger35 · 17 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
My Dear Family, me and my girlfriend made a new public room..It is our first baby and we hope people would like to spend some quality time being around books in peaceful enviroment..We have two Metallica bikes at front and a pool table upstairs (which we both in love with Metallica [yes still! :D :D ]) and hot air baloon on the roof for a romantic tour..Reading spots, in and out tables for friends to sit, have coffee and talk..And so far this will be the first place in whole IMVU Chat Rooms about books..Thanks and we would love to see our family visits..Name of the room is : BOOKS AND COFFEE here is the link :
Posted 14 years ago
Well actually u are inderectly giving out your IMVU name to everyone xD
Posted 14 years ago
rugger35 wrote:
My Dear Family, me and my girlfriend made a new public room..It is our first baby and we hope people would like to spend some quality time being around books in peaceful enviroment..We have two Metallica bikes at front and a pool table upstairs (which we both in love with Metallica [yes still! :D :D ]) and hot air baloon on the roof for a romantic tour..Reading spots, in and out tables for friends to sit, have coffee and talk..And so far this will be the first place in whole IMVU Chat Rooms about books..Thanks and we would love to see our family visits..Name of the room is : BOOKS AND COFFEE here is the link :

Not to bug you but a minor correction, there are tons of libraries out there last time I checked. Pretty much about books too lol XD
Posted 14 years ago
rugger35 wrote:
My Dear Family, me and my girlfriend made a new public room..It is our first baby and we hope people would like to spend some quality time being around books in peaceful enviroment..We have two Metallica bikes at front and a pool table upstairs (which we both in love with Metallica [yes still! :D :D ]) and hot air baloon on the roof for a romantic tour..Reading spots, in and out tables for friends to sit, have coffee and talk..And so far this will be the first place in whole IMVU Chat Rooms about books..Thanks and we would love to see our family visits..Name of the room is : BOOKS AND COFFEE here is the link :

Doesnt work for me, sorry
Posted 14 years ago
i would love to visit it... but it seems like it is set to adults only.. ^^
Posted 14 years ago
Posted 14 years ago
Same, I can't see it.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
Nope it is for General actually but the room as we wanted to make it look cheerful a bit too oversize :( so we try to make it smaller by kb's and it' nothing like libraries here r some screanshots :

Last edited by 20rugger35 on Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 14 years ago
Cool! and Metallica 8)

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