Where can I get such beautifull desktop backgrounds like Pikachu and BaclGlasses ? *Free* ?
I just googled "neon wallpaper" Think of the type of thing you want, and google it adding "wallpaper" after, so that it is big and won't stretch funny.
Posted 14 years ago
Hantarione wrote:
Where can I get such beautifull desktop backgrounds like Pikachu and BaclGlasses ? *Free* ?
I googled "Abstract Purple Background" and a bunch of wallpapers like that one came up.
Posted 14 years ago
<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/21jrkub.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
Posted 14 years ago
Hahah, This is funny .
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