The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
Oh mah god! Definitely true! xD

The person below dislikes french fries. <----- I have no idea how anyone could dislike french fries. Oh mah god! o:<
Posted 14 years ago
false i love french fries i mean who doesn't

the person below me is a girl<------
Posted 14 years ago
True :3

The person below me has aids? ;O jk xDDD

Real Question - The person below me likes chocolate? :3
Posted 14 years ago
No I dun have Aids o.e
Yes I wuv chocolate *_______*
D: I r choco-freak

Person below me loves Ice Cream? :3
Posted 14 years ago
Half true, I prefer cookies though :D

The person below me is kind? ;O
Posted 14 years ago
Kind and Naive o.e

Person below me is loved? lolz
Posted 14 years ago
Yup! >w<

The person below loves anime :D
Posted 14 years ago
Ohmahgosh yea D:<

Person below me loves Yuri? xD
Posted 14 years ago
its okay, But Yaoi is better.... and hotter :D

The person below has a brother?
Posted 14 years ago
A lot of em x.x

Person below me has kids? xD

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