The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago

The person below me belongs to a real mafia in the real world.
Posted 14 years ago
No. -___________________________-

The person below me won't miss me whenever I'm gone.
Posted 14 years ago
You are wrong.. i'll miss you (?)

The person below me hates his/her cell phone company
Posted 14 years ago
Wrong. :P

The person below me thinks everyone in IMVU Mafia is awesome. xD
Posted 14 years ago
Um, false.

The person below me liked Pika better?
Posted 14 years ago
False. <--- Even though I wrote Pika instead of Kaori in the This or That topic.

Err... The person below me thinks school is boring.
Posted 14 years ago
Partly true :D

The person below me likes animals?
Posted 14 years ago

The person below me loves french fries. xD
Posted 14 years ago

The person below me adores the cat in my avi pic?
Posted 14 years ago
The person below me wished they had cookies like meh D:

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