The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
Idk... O.o

Next person is eating an apple. xD
Posted 14 years ago
Next person dislikes Bleach?
Posted 14 years ago
Dunno, never watched it, but doesn't seem to be my type of anime.

The person bellow me supports homosexuals.
Posted 14 years ago
Still mixed with that..

Next person loves penguins!!! xD
Posted 14 years ago
YEAAAAAH! xD Penguins, along with Ninjas, Chickens and Cookies will rule the world. :D

Next person supports my answer above. ------^
Posted 14 years ago
I like penguins, but have them rule the world? Not so much. :/

The person below me didn't go to the prom yesterday?
Posted 14 years ago
Umm no.

The person below finished Jak 3.
Posted 14 years ago

the next person has over 100 posts
Posted 14 years ago

The next person over uses emotes..
Posted 14 years ago

The person below me want to study nephology ? :lol:

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