Near to Death Experiences...

by xXiiCrazehMonstahXx · 23 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago · Author

Ok, so this is the deal, if you have ever had a near to death experience, tell me about it, i dont know why i started this, but i just wanted to know some more and what it is like to have one, if you think that i am medling into your life, you can just not answer... don't have to just, i dont know, its free will so you dont have to, i would appreciate it but you dont have to...
Posted 14 years ago
Even though someone had a near to death experience it's not like he was dead. I mean you find a way to go and the light bla bla but that's it. No one was in Hell or Heaven. Almost all this kind of stories are the same :P
Posted 14 years ago · Author
i know that, but what was their accident is what im asking for...
Posted 14 years ago
Well... I never had a near death experience. :o
Posted 14 years ago
had a car accident and fell off a cliff D:
mom almost died too :[ :(
Posted 14 years ago
I`ve got a little accident.. before 4 years..

I and half of my schools` girls were traveling by bikes.. it was the second day in my new school.. and the weather was hot..
i almost got in a way of car while riding my bike ..i fell and even got a small scar on my shoulder..and hurted my knees a little. :( glad that the car stopped asap and everything was ok.

even tho i made my friend fall too by mistake..but she wasn`t so close to the car.

now..please, don`t think i am as clumsy as Bella
That was just the first day i was riding a bike on the real roads...
Posted 14 years ago
Damn... I ran after a ball, and almost got hit by a car. Thank god for my huge reflexes that i jumped OVER IT. And i'm serious.
Posted 14 years ago
Austin wrote:
Damn... I ran after a ball, and almost got hit by a car. Thank god for my huge reflexes that i jumped OVER IT. And i'm serious.

woah, are you somekind of a spiderman?! :lol:
Posted 14 years ago
My uncle threw me into the lake when I was 6 years old.
I was in water for, 20 seconds? I remember seeing a light, I'm not kidding. I had my eyes on.

To the question why he threw me into the water.. He wanted me to learn how to swim. My family refuses to speak with him. My father got me out of the water.. He wasn't looking at first, but then I screamed.
Posted 14 years ago
Tony wrote:
My uncle threw me into the lake when I was 6 years old.
I was in water for, 20 seconds? I remember seeing a light, I'm not kidding. I had my eyes on.

To the question why he threw me into the water.. He wanted me to learn how to swim. My family refuses to speak with him. My father got me out of the water.. He wasn't looking at first, but then I screamed.

woah.. :shock: i have to say...that`s one psycho uncle.. sorry :?
poor little Tony..

i remember my dad wanted me to learn how to swim, but that didn`t help at all.. he was just holding one of my arms and one of my legs in his hands..and swinging around the lake. lol

no doubt why i still can`t swim.. :x

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