The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
I never blamed it on you, since you made me forget by placing an imaginary gun to my head and ordering me to. xD

Next is someone who thinks I placed the blame on her?
Last edited by xBloodyxBunnyx on Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posted 14 years ago
ummm... OF COURSE YOU DID!!!!!
for what I have no idea but ok...
next is someone who Hates her sister/brother??
Posted 14 years ago
Irl yeah. Well just dislike really. On here, I adore my sis KitKat. :D

Next is someone who likes his/her pet?
Posted 14 years ago
YES I DO!!!! <3
next is someone who thinks that they deserve better than their parents give them?? or gave them??
Posted 14 years ago
Haha. I still think I deserve better. WHY PARENTS! WHY MUST YOU BE SO CRUEL! xD Actually I'm a spoiled teen. :D

Next is someone I know? xD
Posted 14 years ago
O.o Idk. xD I love my gf dearly, but I don't love you dearly. <.< Do you love me dearly? O.o

Next is someone I do not know? xD
Posted 14 years ago
Idk, do you know me? =P

Next is someone who has someone in love with them xD
Posted 14 years ago
Oops, I meant wife not gf btw. T_T And yeah I am loved. :3

Next is someone taken? :D
Posted 14 years ago
Yes ^w^ Forever :D

Next is someone who mistakes his wife as his gf :lol: (Jeeeez. How old are you? xD )

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