Who is next? -Game-

by Kristina20 · 6859 posts
14 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
Of course!

Next is someone who listens to rock?
Posted 14 years ago
I listen to a rock. Lol. xD Yeah, I listen to rock.

Next is someone who listens to A rock like me? :D
Posted 14 years ago
Possibly. I listen to my pet rock Christopher ^_^

Whiskey or Vodka? (If, you drink. xD If not... whichever sounds better o: )
Posted 14 years ago
Vodka. xD And I drink. xD

Whine or Beer?
Posted 14 years ago
Depends on the brand of the beer.. Imma go with Whine ^_^

"Emo" or "Rocker" ?
Posted 14 years ago
EMOOOO! T_T Nah, Rocker. :3

Scene or Emo?
Posted 14 years ago
Aha. Scene ^^ Emo is supposed to be 'emotional' but everyone uses it as something else o:

Bisexual or Gay?
Posted 14 years ago
Since I'm considered a Glittering Gay Vampire... Bisexual. :D

Straight or Gay/Lesbian?
Posted 14 years ago
Lesbiannnnnn xP

Bye, or goodbye?

*Waves one last time, as I sign off for the day -Sniff sniff- School ends*
Posted 14 years ago
None. Farewell. :D

See you later or Farewell?

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