What's your favourite game...?

by caligata · 140 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago
GOD OF WAR!!! i havent played the 3rd one yet but i heard it was awesome!!! but yea. . .god of war is my favorite games of all the games ive ever played!! besides gta4 but God Of War is better.
Posted 14 years ago
COD 4 and Modern warfaree 2.. wicked game, and im pretty good at it too :P..
Posted 14 years ago
I like MW2
Posted 14 years ago
Wow :D
Posted 14 years ago
Uh, my favourite has got to be either Psychonauts or Devil May Cry 3.
I've been gaming a lot, but I found those games really fun.
Psychonauts' story and gameplay were so fresh, even though it was quite old when I played it.
And DMC3 is just super fun and funny.
Dante kicks your ass >:D.
Posted 14 years ago
Last Chaos xD
Posted 14 years ago
Online game: Either WoW or PW.

MP game: SAMP

SP game : KH series :3
Posted 14 years ago
I love the Tekken, Soul Calibur, Sims and Fatal Frame franchise :)
Posted 14 years ago
I think Sims 3=))
Posted 14 years ago
my favorites games are:
Harry Potter (for wii)
Sims 3 (PC)
Medals of honour (Wii)
but i like other too but thoose one are my fav one :D

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