FaVoRite pet for home? <33333333333

by nuxil · 35 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
which pet would u like to have at home? i mean if they could be domesticated...Any animal x3

ummmmmm i would LOVE to have a tiger <3

they r so fun to play with <3 doesnt matter if ish legal or not x3
(and besides i wouldnt worry about thiefs anymore :D)

SO which one would u like to havE around? :D
Posted 14 years ago
Cats ... cats r really friendly .. and awesome ...

more important of all .. they can make sounds .. and they sit in ur lab sometimes :]
Posted 14 years ago
a chihuahua :D
Posted 14 years ago
cats, i have one and its the best o.o, they're so cute <3
Posted 14 years ago
either a wolves or a crocadile XD
Posted 14 years ago
A guinea pig [I already have one] =D
Posted 14 years ago
CrissCatastrophic wrote:
A tiger would be great!! D:
yeah !! It would be cute to share my bed with a BIG KITTY +.+
Posted 14 years ago
how about a zoo :awesome33: ... there chu have all kinds of pets :p ... kitty cat .. <3
Posted 14 years ago
dog ........a really good friend of every human .....they can feel a lot of things.i reeealllyyy like theeem!!!!!

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