Soccer Or Soccer?

General Free Credits
by General Free Credits · 20 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago · Author
:twisted: I must ask... is the American Soccer really a Soccer sport? or should it be called soccer because of lots of sucker punching and guys getting the shit beat of of them.... Besides the sport requires you to run wit thee ball 98% of the time.

Soccer on the other hand... you cant touch the ball or thats a hand ball... you play wit the ball by kicking it 99% of the time (why 99 well if the ball go out of bounds you can touch it by throwing it and the goal keeper can touch it freely)....

WEll may i ask this then? Why is soccer is called soccer in the U.S? the rest of the world call it Soccer... maybe the NFL "national Soccer league"should be called NSL "national soccer league"?

Dont get me wrong i love both sport but just trying to state a known fact that the NFL name should be changed to NSL because hardly any kicking of the Soccer or shall i say handball :lol: ....

These are my closing arguments:
Basically we are the younger generations and its time for us to change lots of things our forthfarthers did and move on towards our future... they lived thier lives without regrets... so we must do the same :lol:
{because the call Nfl Soccer we should? NO way! Lets call it NSL because thats only logical} :twisted: :lol: :twisted: :lol:
Posted 15 years ago
once again shatta? lol
Posted 15 years ago
Personally I've never payed much attention to sports unless I was playing it and I wanted to slaughter the opposing team. So idc. Soccer. smashball. brainball. soccerball. Just as long as you don't start changing the rules. Though... I'll say one thing... say soccer outloud... now think... in old school, whenever you hit something really hard, you could say something like "he socked him a good one" and in soccer, they're always doing that to the ball... and other players from what I'm lead to believe... or it could be for the part when you sucker someone into thinking you're doing something else... and you can call him a sucker indirectly by saying soccer... honestly idc, I'm just bored and lack a secure computer to launch attacks from... my teachers are slacking... fives classes and somehow one manages to get out way early.
Posted 15 years ago
Soccer. Image

soccer. Image
Posted 15 years ago
Posted 15 years ago · Author
:twisted: :lol: :twisted: :razz: :lol: :twisted:

That NFL guy was just running from the other guy behind him! LMFOA! see what he gets when he get he stops :twisted: :lol:
Posted 15 years ago

I love this topic

But it kinda getz outa hand


and thats kinda soft for me
Posted 15 years ago


I bet you do!

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