OMG. LOLOLOLOL. I rofl'd. ROFL'copter.

Cookiee Monsterr
by Cookiee Monsterr · 17 posts
14 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 14 years ago · Author
So i was invited to this chat with these two noobs. xD LOL. it. was. hilarious.
-excuse the language-
Guest_samatha654321 has joined the chat
Guest_prettycutegirlcake has joined the chat
Guest_samatha654321: ok well we will do it later
Guest_samatha654321: nevermind
Guest_samatha654321: hey
Guest_prettycutegirlcake: heey
Me: heyy
Guest_samatha654321: u want sex
Guest_samatha654321: do u
Me: it feels like u 2 r gonna rape me
Me: xD
Guest_samatha654321: no
Guest_samatha654321: we r asking u
Guest_samatha654321: yes or no
Guest_samatha654321: ur too big to rape
Me: haha. i bet u have an std
Me: xD
Guest_samatha654321: all we want it that cock of urs
Me: and ur gonna pass it to me
Guest_samatha654321: no i dont
Me: e.o
Guest_samatha654321: and its a game
Me: o.o a game?
Guest_samatha654321: really its a gAME
Me: xD
Guest_samatha654321: AND I GOT ALL MY SHOTS
Me: that?
Me: xD
Guest_samatha654321: I DONT HAVE A DISEASE
Guest_samatha654321: ITS A GAME
Guest_prettycutegirlcake: yea
Guest_samatha654321: FINE U DONT WANT IT WATEVA
Me: you too r gonna rape me, arent you?
Me: xD
Guest_samatha654321: BYE.
Guest_samatha654321: NO WE ARENT STUPID ASS
Guest_samatha654321: GET OUT U LOSER
Me: haha peace
Guest_samatha654321: FUCKIN DUMPASS
Guest_samatha654321: LEAVE
Me: thnks. [;
Guest_samatha654321: GET OUT
Guest_samatha654321: DUMPASSS
Me: u n00b with no life.
Me: (:
Guest_samatha654321: HAHAAH SURE
Guest_samatha654321: STOP TALKING ABOUT URSELF
Me: haha. thats funny.
Guest_samatha654321: really? now can i fuck you!?
Me: e.e gaygaygay. noob. wait cross that, NUBHOLE!
--- Then i left.
haha. This really did happen. it was hilarious. haha noobs amuse me.
Posted 14 years ago
Wow what a Dumpass.
Posted 14 years ago · Author
LOL. I K R. and whatt the eff is a dumpass?
Posted 14 years ago
OMG DUMPASS HAHAHAHAH omg this so funny xD so many noobs.

DUMPASS = Dumbass
Posted 14 years ago

Posted 14 years ago
Wow, I'm asking myself what will they do "later".. o.o Perverts.
Posted 14 years ago
Such comments make you stay in IMVU xD but the stupidity increase daily.
Posted 14 years ago
Dumped asses, maybe? O.o Oh yeah, That explains why they wanna cyber that bad ._.'

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