How to run IMVU on an iPod touch 32 bit windows comp needed

by XxANVILxX · 8 posts
14 years ago in IMVU Lounge
Posted 14 years ago · Author
First download the Mocha Remote Desktop Light app. Next click run then type cmd and press enter, then type ipconfig in the command window and press enter again then you will see your ip adress at the top. You have to put that ip adress into the ip adress box on the app u just downloaded, then right click on my computer and clizk properties then
click remote and allow it and click both checks and press ok then ok then on the app press the connect button. Log into an acc o. Your computer that has a passowrd( to get the keyboard press the keyboar icon In the app). Then logg In and run IMVU. (need payed for verdin to use right click function on it)(cannot run on 64 bit)(might want tunplug speakers and normal screen on computer)(Officialy typed with an iPod touch$
Posted 14 years ago
its nothing. its just using vnc to connect ipod too computer. u will still see the stuf in the computer screen.
Posted 14 years ago
i wish i was using ipod coz this is realy looks awesome
Posted 14 years ago · Author
well its easy and it works... just be within range of ure wireless and u can use it... as long as u hide your user acc in the registries and set it with a special password and then only log on with ure ipod... and it works with right click... all u need to do is keep up the windows mobility onscreen keyboard and your touch keyboard... then u click the little menu button after clicking on the thing u want to use right click on... easy... and ive messed with it and it works great... everythigns set so i can click a button and go back to playin imvu
Posted 14 years ago · Author
IMVU On IPod Touch:

Posted 14 years ago · Author
Ghoku_disabled_490293 wrote:
its nothing. its just using vnc to connect ipod too computer. u will still see the stuf in the computer screen.

its not in the computer screen... this is not vnc its a simpler version which dosent require any servers on your computer... and it loggs you off of the computer when it connects and if u use a h4c|<7d or hidden computer acc then it will look like the computer is in idol on the log in screen... but as soon as someone logs in on the computer it will log you off on the ipod... just look up how to hide user accs... ive been useing it alot... its not very complicated unless ure experimenting with it like i am...
Posted 14 years ago
oo thats sweet then!
Posted 14 years ago
how did yhu get the port part to work??? cause dhats not workin for meh

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