I'm haveing a problem earning free creds

by Amethyst · 8 posts
15 years ago in Off Topic
Posted 15 years ago · Author
When I do partner offers for either IMVU or the many sites with partner offers that I have learned of from the IMVU mafia, I almost never get any reward for it, even when I am totally certain I did it right. According to my browser settings I have cookies enabled. Any advice as to what I might be doing wrong? Oh, and when I try to invite myself to make new accounts that doesnt give me credits either. I tried useing the Tor proxy in the hope that it would correct this but it made my internet so slow I couldn't use it.
Posted 15 years ago
Partner offers:
1) Partner offers can take up to a week to confirm
2) if the offer comes with a confirmation e-mail, you must confirm
3) you must use real locations and a real e-mail with partner offers
4) check our guide on IMVU partner offers for tips and tricks

As for the inviting yourself, do you have a static ip? Static ip's may be good for gaming, but they refuse to change...
Posted 15 years ago
Tested the inviting your self way on sunday and it worked perfectly... only thing you wont get 1500cre you will get only 1000 if you dont change your ip address.
Posted 6 years ago
For IMVU partner offers you can use VPN to get more new offers, or you can just invite yourself for virtual gifts from IMVU, otherwise you can also review products and get promo credits for it
Posted 6 years ago
Id suggest doing surveys instead of the offers, they're super weird, i rarely get rewards from offers but at least if you don't qualify for a survey you get like 10-20 credits. Surveys are just easier for me in my opinion even if I don't get approved for a lot of them, some are worth the time and effort, the best one I ever got was like 15k. Good luck on your journey and I hope you can get and complete better offers in the future.
Posted 6 years ago
I hate surveys and offers
Posted 6 years ago
Good to hear that surveys can work well from someone who has experience with them, MissusGoshiku. I'm going to give surveys a shot too.
Posted 6 years ago
my region is trying to get free credit gives error, is stuck in half, I'm very complainant from this situation need help ?

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