The person below me...

King Falcon
by King Falcon · 1730 posts
15 years ago in Social Games
Posted 14 years ago
ugh wtf hell no do i look like homo? D: jeezus

the person below me is a non smoker
Posted 14 years ago
In between.....50 50.

The person below me likes cats? :awesome33:
Posted 14 years ago

the person below me is hot :3
Posted 14 years ago
yeah its like 40 degrees celsius here

the person below me pooped today
Posted 14 years ago
Lolllololololololololololololololloool ye.

The person below me is not a homo like Jon.
Posted 14 years ago

The persone below me is a boy xD
Posted 14 years ago

the person below me has more posts than me
Posted 14 years ago
True that.

The person below me thinks he is cool?
Posted 14 years ago
No o_e

The person below meh is a psycho? xD

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